Beginners - January 2012 (Page 21)

Why can't I call get line?
I need to use a getline function, however whenever I use one I get an error message. I included <string> and <iostream>. Any help would be appreciated.
[12 replies] Last: or (based on how you wrote it in the title) you are doing get line i... (by Aramil of Elixia)
Linked list help.
Hey, I have a question in relation to linked lists. I have a problem that I am working on. It requires me to create two linked lists. One for dvd rental custo...
[3 replies] Last: Well, I was talking about the fact that you have the classes V, W, X, ... (by LB)
Barcode reading from TIFF file (Optical Barcode Recognition)
Hello, I am trying to start in the right place and I've done a lot of searching and reading on this forum. I have searched for the topic a lot over the last...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry I didnt specify. I borrowed a barcode reader that was already c... (by mach1threat)
returning a pointer to 2d array
Ok, I'm new to pointers as part of our data structure class. The first assignment requires we make a templated function that allocates a 2d array, fills it wit...
[4 replies] Last: The third parameter of getmatrix() specify the type of matrix' eleme... (by tfityo)
Going up a line
So - First of all: Hi, dear C++ community. The question i have is - how do i go to a specific (text line for example) in my code and replace it with something...
[8 replies] Last: @Aild312 Here's a small program that shows you how to use gotoXY(), t... (by whitenite1)
Where to start with audio programming?
I have been programming for a year or so. Mostly the basic command line stuff. I want to learn more so I want to make a program that will convert mp3 to mb4. Wh...
[2 replies] Last: Note: SFML also has an audio library with some good documentation an... (by Stewbond)
by Lacy
change conversion...isn't working completly correct
//So I'm writing this program that converts change into smaller denominations. //For example .97 would be 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 0 nickels, with 2 remaining. //Th...
[2 replies] Last: Integers don't take decimals. So when you set: int quarters = .25 , ... (by Stewbond)
How much more time until I can make my own game
Ive been learning c++ for around 2 months now and how long will it take me to learn it enough so i can learn direct x also how long will it take to learn that e...
[6 replies] Last: Run through this C++ game tutorial ( (by Serapth)
cannot load file into vc++ program.
hi, i wrote a program that it read a file from the harddisk. but it seem not to be able to load the file. i checked the file name and copy the input file t...
[3 replies] Last: How are you trying to open the file? With std::fopen() ? Post that on... (by JLBorges)
Algorithm for key buffer (cheat codes)
How are key buffers created in general? (for cheat codes or any general effect of that kind) E.I. When entering "cheat codes", the program listens for a series...
[2 replies] Last: I have an idea, not entirely sure if it will work and I have to go, I ... (by Gisle Aune)
why is '0' value being skipped in this code?
I am in my first few weeks of learning c++ I have a program that is supposed to read in integers and output asterisks. I have the program working fine excep...
[6 replies] Last: perfect thanks guys (by tempneff)
by seppel
Initialising vector from array
The Visual C++ 2010 debugger displays the elements of array a char * a = {"Josefin", "Josefin","Josef","Julius"}; in the order of definition. Neverthele...
[3 replies] Last: Yes - I was talking about my debugger. Thanks! (by seppel)
Chess program! (1,2)
So I plan on starting a simple program. I want to make this as OO as possible. The classes I have in mind are: 1. Board 2. Peice(Pawn, bishop, queen, etc.) 3...
[30 replies] Last: As interesting as this sounds, and I'll definitely look it up out of c... (by ResidentBiscuit)
collapse when using new[] to create arrays
I am trying to create a two-dimensional arrays as follows: int index=0; int dimension1=4; int dimension2=10; int **arr; arr=new int* ; for(in...
[5 replies] Last: yes you are right , when I comment some part of my code,and it works ... (by torrengu)
New to classes
Hello, I am a beginner new to classes. I am trying to write a point class that displays two points when tested. However, when I test it I get my two numbers wi...
[2 replies] Last: You're wonderful, thank you :) (by May1111)
Hashes in C++
Dear all, I just shifted to c++ from perl programming, I was just searching if we have some variables in c++ working similar to hashes in perl. If so, can we as...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much Albatross and Andy for your valuable comments :) B... (by rahularjun86)
by Kanped
Copying and negating Bitmap
Hi there. I'm very new to C and I'm trying to load in a bitmap, make it a negative and make the negative a new file without affecting the original. The way I ...
[2 replies] Last: using a custom library is probably not the way I'm supposed to go abou... (by Kanped)
Sorting array into Alphabetic order
I'm trying to take a list of names and put them into an array so I can sort the letters into alphabetic order, so michael would become acehilm, it seems to work...
[1 reply] : don't use sizeof(line) use strlen(line) instead. sizeof(line) r... (by coder777)
Explicitly Invoking the Destructor
After invoking a destructor, what would happen if we referenced the destroyed variable in this manner: struct Basic { int Member; }; int main() ...
[5 replies] Last: After invoking a destructor, what would happen if we referenced the d... (by coder777)
.is_open() lies!
hi folks, Right, I've been stuck on this for a couple of days now. I'm trying to load a file by dragging and dropping a file onto the .exe, extract the data & ...
[2 replies] Last: ah thanks very much, that was driving me nuts, I didn't know about the... (by oliver9523)
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