by alphawolf7
Why can't I call get line?
[12 replies] Last: or (based on how you wrote it in the title) you are doing get line i... (by Aramil of Elixia)
by gavmcg92
Linked list help.
[3 replies] Last: Well, I was talking about the fact that you have the classes V, W, X, ... (by LB)
by mach1threat
Barcode reading from TIFF file (Optical Barcode Recognition)
[2 replies] Last: Sorry I didnt specify. I borrowed a barcode reader that was already c... (by mach1threat)
by Smooth23
returning a pointer to 2d array
[4 replies] Last: The third parameter of getmatrix() specify the type of matrix' eleme... (by tfityo)
by AILD312
Going up a line
[8 replies] Last: @Aild312 Here's a small program that shows you how to use gotoXY(), t... (by whitenite1)
by jokerfwb
Where to start with audio programming?
[2 replies] Last: Note: SFML also has an audio library with some good documentation an... (by Stewbond)
by Lacy
change conversion...isn't working completly correct
[2 replies] Last: Integers don't take decimals. So when you set: int quarters = .25 , ... (by Stewbond)
by Rainman0330
How much more time until I can make my own game
[6 replies] Last: Run through this C++ game tutorial ( (by Serapth)
by robertme
cannot load file into vc++ program.
[3 replies] Last: How are you trying to open the file? With std::fopen() ? Post that on... (by JLBorges)
by Blessman11
Algorithm for key buffer (cheat codes)
[2 replies] Last: I have an idea, not entirely sure if it will work and I have to go, I ... (by Gisle Aune)
by tempneff
why is '0' value being skipped in this code?
[6 replies] Last: perfect thanks guys (by tempneff)
by seppel
Initialising vector from array
[3 replies] Last: Yes - I was talking about my debugger. Thanks! (by seppel)
Chess program! (1,2) |
[30 replies] Last: As interesting as this sounds, and I'll definitely look it up out of c... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by torrengu
collapse when using new[] to create arrays
[5 replies] Last: yes you are right , when I comment some part of my code,and it works ... (by torrengu)
by May1111
New to classes
[2 replies] Last: You're wonderful, thank you :) (by May1111)
by rahularjun86
Hashes in C++
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much Albatross and Andy for your valuable comments :) B... (by rahularjun86)
by Kanped
Copying and negating Bitmap
[2 replies] Last: using a custom library is probably not the way I'm supposed to go abou... (by Kanped)
by BarraBod
Sorting array into Alphabetic order
[1 reply] : don't use sizeof(line) use strlen(line) instead. sizeof(line) r... (by coder777)
Explicitly Invoking the Destructor |
[5 replies] Last: After invoking a destructor, what would happen if we referenced the d... (by coder777)
by oliver9523
.is_open() lies!
[2 replies] Last: ah thanks very much, that was driving me nuts, I didn't know about the... (by oliver9523)