Beginners - January 2012 (Page 20)

Help, please!
Hello! I got task for some project to do, but I really don't know how to start. If someone can help me, I would be grateful. :) _________________________...
[4 replies] Last: You don't need me to send the whole code, but can you at least explain... (by evelinen23)
Help please! (Strings)
When I run my program, why is it not displaying what my color is at the end? #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; enum FP_COL...
[3 replies] Last: Ahahahah oh my gosh! I was ripping my hair out last night. Thanks. (by Matt Cromer)
Libraries Question
How do I know which libraries are needed in my program? At first I included five to be on the safe side, but I took some out and am now down to two, windows....
[3 replies] Last: RTFM, it will tell you in which header is the function declared. iom... (by ne555)
error: 'oufile' was not declared in this scope|
This is the error I'm getting: error: 'oufile' was not declared in this scope I don't understand how to fix this. I declared 'outfile' before the main progra...
[5 replies] Last: (by Moschops)
error: no match for 'operator<<' in 'outfile << std::setw(10)'
I'm not sure what this error means...can anyone help me out? 31|error: no match for 'operator<<' in 'outfile << std::setw(10) Here is my code: #include <...
[1 reply] : It means that the compiler does not know what to do when you use a <<... (by Moschops)
could someone explain this code plz
Hello, I'm working on a small script that uses the mysql c++ connector. I've got the demo code linked and calling the connector working just fine, but since I'...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the replies. Peter, that is exactly the kind of response I ... (by brneuro)
by Zanje
im using switch statement i get error on part that i will assign a variable on using a rand im asking how do i put the randvalue to case cause when i d...
[1 reply] : Duplicate of (by Stewbond)
How do I make a double take up a known amount of characters in a stream?
So I have the following stream: ss << "TpE:" << setprecision(2) << double(clock() - start_of_last_cycle) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " " << "BpC:" <...
[3 replies] Last: cool, thanks :) (by ausairman)
Program won't read file
So I'm having trouble with this program. I have the code below. Basically I first need to read words from this file into an array and then read from a different...
[1 reply] : to open the file it must be located at same place as your program exe.... (by codekiddy)
how to converse string to float without losing precision
I am trying to convert a string to float as follows: int main() { string str_1="0.1913415"; float fl_1=atof(s); print...
[3 replies] Last: To know why check out: (by histrungalot)
by Rommy
Add new source files to a project
I know that I can use int main () only once. What can I use to the new source file that I would like to add to the project?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks codekiddy (by Rommy)
convert devcpp project to vc++2010
Well that is my question how to mae that convert is there a fast way? if not what should I look at to be able to do this?
[1 reply] : 1. create brand new project in MVSC++ 2. copy all your .h .cpp .hpp .c... (by codekiddy)
Pointers and Vectors
I have the following program where I am supposed to Implement a class Person with two fields name and age, and a class Car with three fields the model, a pointe...
[1 reply] : The code is compiling but I'm not getting any output. Any suggestions... (by codekiddy)
lost with my c++ code
I have updated my code to what i have now. I am no longer stuck in a loop, but my problem now is nothing is being send to the output file. #include <iost...
[3 replies] Last: @jay6390 an example of the input file would be Robert Smith 4 2 1 2 1 ... (by fish1709)
DUE TONIGHT!! Formatting table out to screen for money
Here is the code I have now, it should compile. The commented out portion explains HOW it should appear and also shows that I should be accomplishing this usin...
[2 replies] Last: That worked great, thanks! (by joshhazel)
Combinations in Arrays
Hey Guys, I have a problem where I have been given an array of some size n (Marks ) and I want to go through all possible combinations of all sizes from 1-n of...
[no replies]
Stack Overflow???
I coded so nice and clean, but I got a stack overflow error and tried to fix it... for five hours. Now my code is a mess and the stack overflow is still rubbing...
[4 replies] Last: You have a problem with the way you treat negative numbers. The code s... (by Kaarvan)
Problem with conditions
what's the difference between these two because the output isn't the same ... how is the compiler taking this ?? if ((c=1)||(c=0)) //first case if ((c=...
[7 replies] Last: if( x ) is the same as if( x != 0 ) and x = ... //returns ... th... (by Mathhead200)
Copying or Moving Files
Hello. So to start off, I've made a simple program in C# to move a given file into a specified directory, deleting the file if it already exists and moving the ...
[6 replies] Last: I see. Well so do you recommend I switch over to visual studios C++ 2... (by pilipino93)
static non-member functions
Hello and thank you to any who will answer me. I tried googling before but I'm afraid I'm using the wrong keywords. My problem is I cannot understand the meani...
[3 replies] Last: no problem :) (by tfityo)
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