Beginners - January 2012 (Page 2)

by Bixx
is there anyone, can help me to implement the concept of Threading in C++
I am going to make a project in which i want to run two more function every one please help me..
[3 replies] Last: boost has a good threading library: (by coder777)
This is in C, programe to calculate raise to Power please help the error are
//this program is calculate raise to the power #include <iostream.h> //Function declaration double raiseToPow(double, int) main() { double x; ...
[2 replies] Last: If it's meant to be in C, you shouldn't be using C++. Which means you ... (by Moschops)
Second beginner task assignment done- simplify?
So this is the second beginner task -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cola Machine Requires: variables, d...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks alot... the code works perfectly and whats more I can actually ... (by ForMySins)
Hello. I am just beginning the process of learning the basics of C++ and have to say this is a very well made site. I don't know anything about C++ really...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you all for the replies as well. I know it is one of the toughe... (by pieman12)
Exception Handling
Hello In exception handling if you have a collection of exception types that are related through inheritance and the catch blocks take in a reference to the ob...
[2 replies] Last: When I compile the pass by value, I get: g++ ex.cpp ex.cpp: In funct... (by histrungalot)
Did I get this right?
From a chapter on function overloading. Exercise 9.2.1. Write two versions of a generic get_number() function so that get_number can be used to get either a...
[3 replies] Last: Gaminic: nope, that's right. the return value is not part of a functio... (by LB)
Compile error Overloading operators?
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; class Rational{ int numerator; int denominator; ...
[1 reply] : You need to learn to isolate the error. ¿which line is the culprit? ... (by ne555)
Dynamic array creatiion
In example 2 the compiler throws the error that the array must have a constanst size. However by creating a template Matrix class like in example 1 you can c...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks again (by calypso)
I can't see whats wrong with this code
Hi I'm very new to C++ only since yesterday I started learning. I have a problem with the following code wherein if the user inputs an integer outside of the va...
[16 replies] Last: I think it's solved thanks guys :) (by CMinus)
[HELP] doubly linked list in C++
In this code, if I input 3 as the item created the result is " -> -> ->Null ->Head " but i expect the result should be " -> -> ->Null -> -> ->Head " how c...
[2 replies] Last: thank you very much i have solved the problem ^^ (by alfredhin)
Button check function?
Hello everyone, I'm making a small game for my application to a college, but I'm quite new to C++. The game is going to be a Win32 Console game for now. I...
[2 replies] Last: Looks good, I'll check if I can get it running this afternoon. (by Emerald94)
problem with get and getline
int main() { char a ; char b,c,d; cin.getline( a,3 ); cin.get(b); cin.get(c); cin.get(d); cout << a << endl << b << endl << c << endl << d << ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much, Cubbi!!! (by superaitaotao)
by Max707
Which C++ book question?
Hi i'm Max and i want to learn C++. After doing some research and having prior knowledge/little knowledge in C++, i would to officially get started with C++. Th...
[7 replies] Last: I have the fourth edition too. Haven't tried the c++ primer, but I'll ... (by Chris Meyer)
// Write a fragment of code that reads in integers from standard input, until end-of-file and sends their (floating point) average to standard output. If no n...
[1 reply] : cin.get inputs a single character , not integer or float. hint: eac... (by nooblet)
Program almost done, just one problemo
I have undefined areas in terms of where my room and floor # are. Here's my code: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespac...
[2 replies] Last: Fixed it, but it only works with four digit numbers. Any clue to why? (by Sunny101)
by renzor
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void inicaps1(char *); char * inicaps2(char *); char phrase ; char outstring ; int DEMO=0; int main(int argc,c...
[1 reply] : Use code tags and tell us what problem your having (by ResidentBiscuit)
by Ace mc
undefined reference to Base::object in Freeglut
I have this code /////////////////////////////////////Gnome.cpp file #include "Living.h" class Gnome:public Living{ private: public: ...
[2 replies] Last: yea that was it, and I solved it, but forgot to write down the answer ... (by Ace mc)
Dev C++ debugging
Hello, I got Dev C++ and have a problem. When I debug my code, it prompted a window saying"your project does not have debugging information, do you want t...
[3 replies] Last: window xp (by DE4User)
by rtom40
[6 replies] Last: @rtom40 I think Kapo have explained it will , Also the Code2Code wrot... (by CMinus)
by Rave
Why this works?
#include <stdio.h> int main (void) { unsigned int world=0; printf ("%d",world-1); return 0; } when i do, world-1, it becomes nega...
[1 reply] : When you do that, an underflow happens, the result being 0xFFFFFFFF. T... (by Athar)
January 2012 Pages: 1234... 48
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