Beginners - January 2012 (Page 17)

by kapo
change to upper case function ?_?
instructions: Rewrite Example 7.3 so that it uses direct pointer reference -- rather than array indexing. approach 1: void convertToUpper(char *s){ int len...
[2 replies] Last: thx stewbond [[= (by kapo)
by Owain
Memory Scanner
Hello, I am very new to C++ (Been learning it for about 4 days now), but I'm not a total beginner to programming (I've used other languages before). I'm trying ...
[1 reply] : I recommend that you google up the term "vitual address space" to unde... (by webJose)
problem with while loop and sqrt
Hello everyone. This is my first post here and first time programming C++. I am learning from a book and can't get this example to compile. It is supposed to de...
[7 replies] Last: You can use this code to check for the number whether it is prime or n... (by Maraj)
volume comparison [Solved]
i was making a program to have a user enter a radius, a integer of radius growth and a ending radius into a program, then comparing the volume differences in al...
[3 replies] Last: i got it all to work, the new code is #include <iostream> #include ... (by XamNotia)
matrix into 1d array
i have this program i need to write it is supposed to extract 6 min numbers from matrix 4x4 and put them into 1d array. i'v written this code but it only finds ...
[2 replies] Last: The easiest way would be copying all values to a 1d array. Sort that 1... (by coder777)
Write to binary file
Hey all, my created function is supposed to get a user's input and write it to a binary file. But my binary file remains empty after this function is called. A...
[1 reply] : Because on line 5 you open the file with 'ios::in'. Change that to 'io... (by coder777)
Something wrong with my formula for a right triangle...
I thought I had completed my program correctly, but when testing it, I see that two of these should be right triangles. Where in my code did I make the mista...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks. I did catch the right angle confirmation, so I fixed that. B... (by ErinCorona)
Need to input a series of number in c++ ...
I am looking for a very simple input ... umm , take this example :- user enters the following :- 3 (enter) 53 61 23 (enter) now i have stored 53,61,23 a...
[5 replies] Last: Okay , i have got it , thankyou all . (by Maggi Iggam)
Having trouble with Menu/Tic-Tac-Toe-Word Jumble Program
I haven't started the word jumble yet, But I'm getting errors in my tic tac toe and menu part. I need help finding and fixing the errors in this, I attempted to...
[4 replies] Last: I think Albatross means lines 52 and 112. (by vin)
Dynamic Genealogy/Timeline
Hi everyone! I'm extremely new to programming with C++, my programming days were close to a decade ago and involved VB only. But I'm trying to learn this lan...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=HisServant77]But, would any program I make going that route, be... (by closed account 1vRz3TCk)
by Tatipu
I need urgent help. I don't know how to use Visual Basic...
Hi guys, I just started a new class in college and this professor uses a different compiler than my previous professor. I used to use Dev-C++ but now I'm su...
[15 replies] Last: Lets start bit by bit. It should be very easy start with implement cod... (by johnwish210)
What kind of situation should i use nested class in?
As the topic title says what kind of situation or situations i should use nested classes in? i cant really seem to think of one that cant be done by any othe...
[4 replies] Last: nope i meant when should i use public inheritance. any particular re... (by Pip3mAn)
odd and even numbers
#include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> int main() { int input,even=0,odd=0,i; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<"enter"; cin>>input; if(input%2==0) ...
[no replies]
Question about word/cha/new line count
Question:Write a C-program that asks for text input from the keyboard. The output of this program gives the amount of characters, the amount of words and the am...
[no replies]
simple alarm clock
I just finished my begginers cpp online class. The final kicked my booty. I tried to make a simple alarm clock that the user could enter a time to have the al...
[4 replies] Last: ok... I see that the answer is somewhere in there. So I will start th... (by Clay Griggs)
Blackjack game help URGENT help please
i believe i have a functioning shuffle code for my deck only problem is i cannot get my dealt cards to display. here is my code: #include <iostream> #includ...
[1 reply] : You had an issue with not setting the card_set correctly and I changed... (by histrungalot)
problems with writing binary file to .txt
so i have a problem writing this binary file "input.raw" to a text file "myFile.txt" my output just looks like this ÁÂÃÂ the "input.raw" file is s...
[no replies]
strcmp() bool
Hello, In my program, I am comparing a cstring with strcmp(). if(!strcmp(answer,"c") || !strcmp(answer,"create")){ //... } If the user enters "c", th...
[5 replies] Last: It looks like it should work, but is better written as: if( strcmp(an... (by Mathhead200)
Program compiles, but crashes.
Hi. I am trying to write a program to make data entry at work quicker. I have only taken an intro course in C++, and that was a year ago, so I am a novice and h...
[6 replies] Last: Ah, of course. Such a simple mistake. it should have been written as: ... (by CJC0117)
Helper files and syntax, but not a relevant error...
Hello. I know all the basics of writing C++, but just recently discovered helper/ ".h" files and projects and am having some difficulties. Problem: I have ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! It worked with a couple other corrections as well. I feel... (by IWishIKnew)
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