Beginners - January 2012 (Page 16)

by Kuzco
Help with static data members
Hi there! In my struggle to reduce the amount of global variables in my programs, I've come across a little problem. I have a class that need list of names, ...
[2 replies] Last: That worked like a charm. Thank you :) (by Kuzco)
by Atari
Need help
Hello everyone, i need some help with a task. It says: Type in integers A and B. Find in wich number,there are less digits 2. Then multiply them. Write a functi...
[3 replies] Last: Might be easier to check the digits directly, rather than taking the s... (by Gaminic)
Help please!!!
here is my source code: #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main () { int i; char str ; char names ={"kean isaac","111111...
[1 reply] : lowerVersionOfChar = tolower(exisitingChar); (by Moschops)
by fweth
'Outsourcing' of functions
Hi! Is there the possibility to compile a single c++ function, say f, such that a compiled c++-program p can use this function in its code and recompiling of f ...
[2 replies] Last: OK cool, I will start researching this term :) (by fweth)
Mergesort algorithm implementation
Below is the code which I have written to implement the mergesort algorithm in C++. It is giving segmentation fault and is stopping at line 19 (according to GDB...
[no replies]
Use of template classes in other template classes
I'm having some issues doing that. I'm trying to make a template class which holds a template list I made. The list consists of template nodes (another templ...
[4 replies] Last: I understood the problem. Thanks. (by yshicht)
by duiu
list does not name a type
#ifndef QUEUE_H_ #define QUEUE_H_ // Get a definition for null #include <iostream> // Use STL list as a backend for queue #include <list> #include <s...
[2 replies] Last: Good suggestion. The error left a bit ago, I'm not sure what I did, bu... (by duiu)
by hbjgd
string does not name a type
when I compile this code, it says that the string on line 25 does not name a type. Anyone see a problem? Because I don't. #ifndef GAME_H #define GAME_H ...
[2 replies] Last: #ifndef GAME_H #define GAME_H #include <fstream> #include <string> //... (by Stewbond)
Make a char into an operation?
Is there any way to make an operation into a variable, in order to get it as an input value? Here is a short example of a general idea, I know this will no wher...
[3 replies] Last: else if (operation == '*' or 'x') This will always be true. Anyth... (by shacktar)
Structs, consts, and references
Hello forum, I'm new to posting here, but this site has been very helpful in teaching me C++. I've always had issues with structs and references, so could some...
[8 replies] Last: If only you were my professor <.< (by BlueLeaderOne)
by jeri
Can you help me?
can you analyze this? Problem no.1 #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int main () { clrscr(); cout<<"Hello, World!"; getch(); return 0; } Pro...
[2 replies] Last: The only thing I see is the space issue, when you say analyze do you m... (by Edward A)
making a interger a character
I have two variables a and b. need to make the values holded by them char*. How can i do that? I need to print the number down. It is a short number. I need ...
[11 replies] Last: oh. In that case, don't do const_cast, but change the function to tak... (by Disch)
Program using class, Errors!
Please help me, I do not know how to fix this. Here are the errors: 1>------ Build started: Project: qq, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> q.cpp 1>c:\users...
[19 replies] Last: OP: You should really really read up on classes. There is a nice tutor... (by Mathhead200)
any good source code websites?
I was wondering if there is any good webistes that provide the full source code for projects. I learning about linked list, stacks, queues, hash tables etc and ...
[7 replies] Last: Haha yes, cause an IDE is just a walk in the park to make A few peopl... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Input of initial data through main ()
Hello guys, I am a beginner in C++ and would like to know the right way to receive data on the main function? Just an example, in Java would be: publi...
[4 replies] Last: Peter87 Thanks a lot! (by fabiolanza)
Too many iterators?
I've made a habit out of using iterators as much as possible, and use them wherever I am looping over vectors. However, sometimes that means I end up with code ...
[1 reply] : IMO, that is a bit excessive. As for from an efficiency point of vi... (by Disch)
Looking for a neat way to pass many variables to a function
I have a function that initially looked like this: double myfun(int var1, int var2, int var3, int var4, int var5, int var6); I thought it might be easie...
[1 reply] : If these variables are all commonly grouped (which I assume they are, ... (by Disch)
Or operator (||) with three possibilities?
Hey all. I'm very new to C++ and I've been following a series of tutorials and I decided to try and write a program similar to a text game. My basic outline was...
[3 replies] Last: np. This is actually a surprisingly common problem. Along with thing... (by Disch)
Hello, I am new here.
Hello. My name is Fabian Willis and I am new to this community and to the C++ programming language. I am a freshman in college and I took a course called CIST 1...
[1 reply] : Read the tutorial and then start coding. If you don't know what to cod... (by Moschops)
Infix-to-Postfix Expression Conversion
So here is the assignment I have to complete within the next hour that I've procrastinated way too long on doing. If someone can just kind of guide me along in ...
[1 reply] : Please don't double post. Make sure you understand the algorithm by g... (by ne555)
January 2012 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 48
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