Beginners - January 2012 (Page 14)

by drehl
trying to output a signal from csv file
Hi, I am not a good programmer, but for hardware testing purposes I need to have a board output a waveform from a .csv file. It is a short file that would need...
[5 replies] Last: Stewbond seems to have the right idea, sorry for not elaborating. it i... (by drehl)
by Daker3
2D Array as Parameter w/ Unknown Size
Is it possible to pass 2D arrays as a parameter without knowing the size? The effect I'm trying to get is: void print(double a , int row, int col){//Print ...
[7 replies] Last: Using functions it would be better to define the maximum possible valu... (by danoc93)
Pointer Deletion
So I have a few other posts that I made here, and everyone was so helpful and positive that I came back with another question!! Yea!! So I do believe I have cr...
[3 replies] Last: #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using names... (by jwroblewski)
Dungeon Crawl type question (1,2)
First of all, thank you for looking at my post. Here is my code #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #define WIDTH 16 #define HEIG...
[33 replies] Last: Im having issues again....... From looking at your code, it seems ok... (by Lynx876)
by Atari
Need help(Task)
Hello everyone, i need some help with a task. It says: Type in integers A and B. Find in wich number,there are less digits 2. Then multiply them. Write a functi...
[8 replies] Last: Oh wow! That's pretty cool. It did become blatantly obvious once I was... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Translating input
Hi there, I am new to C++, and was wondering if someone could write an example program for me to work with. What I would like to do is take input from stdin ...
[4 replies] Last: You could make ')' a delimiter. That is, the getline() function wil... (by Stewbond)
How to read an excel file.
Hi everyone. I've been looking online for help to read excel data into C++. There is code out there but it looks very complicated. Many people suggest convertin...
[2 replies] Last: where is the complex code any link?? (by zephyr000)
Problem storing characters to array using a single line of input
So I want to get a postfix expression, in just a single line, and store every single character in that expression to a character array. For example, I want to ...
[1 reply] : Try while ( token[ i - 1 ] != '\n' ) { cin.get(token[ i ]); ... (by histrungalot)
by lare26
Class to autocreate a menu
I am have been self teaching C++ for a few years(off and on). I do this by attempting to create simple programs. It has just occured to me that every program I ...
[4 replies] Last: > Did I do something wrong? No, you didn't do anything wrong. It's ju... (by JLBorges)
Spliting up a string of numbers?
I am making a basic "encryption" software in C++. I have sorted the encryption bit, but decrypting is a bit harder. The user will enter a string of numbers sepa...
[1 reply] : I have this so far but I am guessing that it is massivley wrong. ... (by UltimateCoder)
conditional statements
is it mandatory to use else whenever you use the if statement,or the if can do by itself
[1 reply] : you can just use if (by UltimateCoder)
I can't make this search for and count for palindrome works. :( (1,2)
Hi guys, I need your help. Can you check my code whats wrong with my check function and palindrome check. Palindrome is like a word that even if you read it ba...
[38 replies] Last: > Its already working. If it is working correctly, and you understan... (by JLBorges)
by lare26
vectors with objects manipulation problem
I am tryin to eliminate my weakness in coding vectors. I have tried to manipulate object data inside a vector with no luck. Here is my code: vector<actor> p...
[5 replies] Last: It was just a side thought. I have been testing code against my knowle... (by lare26)
Dissertation Help - Antisaccade task
Hey guys, I'm fairly new to C++ and I was wondering if I could get a hand with something. I'm trying to write a program that will create something called an ...
[4 replies] Last: This is a test performend in person in which a participant is seated i... (by LucyButterfly22)
by lare26
Friendship or inheritance problem
How can I allow class one to use a function in class two? class one { public: void sayone(){cout << "Class one\n\n";} }; class two ...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you, coder777. That helped simplify this for me. I will look i... (by lare26)
by lare26
Including class objects in functions
I want to update the stats of each actor in my program. But I will need to do it with a single generic function for all stats. At least I prefer to do it with o...
[14 replies] Last: Tanks for all of your help, everyone. ne555, I was just trying a diffe... (by lare26)
by lare26
Switch and Light
I am envisioning a panel with a series of switches, buttons and/or toggles. This panel is connected to a series of devices such as lights windows etc... Each de...
[16 replies] Last: I just read through all of the posts again. It seems I have processed ... (by lare26)
by MH4
Queue not working as intended.
Hi guys. I'm currently doing a queue system and trying to emulate a real life example of a clinic. Patients press <1> to register their particulars. If it is f...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you Sir! It works perfectly and your code is so easy to understa... (by MH4)
Trouble Reading In Values
It seems that I'm having trouble reading values into my struct's probably a beginner's error, easy to fix, but I can't seem to figure it out. Som...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, that worked. Thought I tried that already <.< Thanks Peter87 (by BlueLeaderOne)
Help with School project
This is the question: The C calculator program allows the user to enter an equation that consists of numerical values (digits) and arithmetic operators (+, -...
[3 replies] Last: how to store char* variables to char array? (by Jian Hui Tan)
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