Beginners - January 2012 (Page 11)

How much C?
I'm wanting to help a friend who doesn't know anything about C or C++ learn C++. I'm still learning both languages myself, but I'm enrolled in classes at a Univ...
[8 replies] Last: Ha well then it looks like going straight for C++ is what we'll be doi... (by shadowayex)
Help me with Pointers!
Can anyone help me with pointers? I can't understand it very well. Anyway, I was given an assignment to trace the output of this program without using any com...
[3 replies] Last: Gonna take a guess and say line 10. for(int i = 4; i >= 4; i--) Sho... (by Muckle ewe)
Euler 14 Help
Hi All, Hope you don't mind me asking this here. I'm new to C++ having learnt Python and BASIC years ago at school I figured it was time to learn a 'real' prog...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks chaps, I'd found the error after ne555s first comment, I knew i... (by adam webb)
undefined symbol string
I started writing the following program / my first string #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; int main () { string m...
[1 reply] : 'string' (and it's << operator) is defined in <string> not <string.h> (by coder777)
ifstream and function type
I have two questions about a function that I am writing for a program. First, when I compile it gives the error: error C2678: binary '>>' : no operator fo...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help (by mirenga)
How to initialize array of a class which takes parameters for its constructor.
Maybe a stupid question but i couldnt find a way to do that. If the constructor does not take parameters, then the simple method works fine. poly * p = new...
[2 replies] Last: Using C++11 uniform initialization (by JLBorges)
by Chami
issue with integer and double values
Hi. I have a problem with integer and double usage in C++. I used the following 2 code lines to do the same mathematical operation but it returned different re...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks very much Stewbond for your fantastic answer... WOW.. now I ... (by Chami)
RPG help
hello i need some help programing an rpg first i need some help With the characters, how do i make it so that the character can base stats. for example how woul...
[3 replies] Last: You'll need to look into keyboard listening and events for the movemen... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Gremlin: Light Switches
Hello, I am having a problem completing this program I am writing. There are 100 light switches all in the "on" position. I have to ask the user for the number...
[2 replies] Last: The issue is you have to be careful to not double count lights out. ... (by histrungalot)
Opening a file using a variable
Hello, I know this question has been asked a million times, and I've spend a lot of time reading answers on forums, but for whatever reason I can't get this ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! Always cool to run into another Dream Theater fa... (by JohnPetrucci00)
Revealing the number list column in visual studio?
I recently formatted my laptop, re-installed visual studio and forgot how to set the options to show the numbers that displays how much lines of coding is done....
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by iBLooDiESiN)
How to use if statements with variables of an object?
If I have an object of a class which has three variables (say Width, Length, Height): CubeClass BoxA(20, 10, 15); //... What I want to do is ' if BoxA'...
[2 replies] Last: Wow. I'll mark this as answered so it can deservedly die. (by WhiteWind)
help with setting keyboard keys to functions
I'm trying to make a game and the way I'm gonna do movement is a grid w/ each square numbered and I plan on setting the arow keys to add 1 or subtract 1 how wou...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. (by howtofall)
Sparse-Matrix, vector and allocator
I want to store values of a sparse-matrix to a vector. (It is preferred to use a vector to fill the matrix and then use OpenMP/OpenCL to sort the elements, ins...
[1 reply] : What you're describing is not a vector, it's a deque. Vector is alway... (by Cubbi)
Function help
im basically trying to make a driver program. So i made a function but having trouble calling the function. Help with the cout statement outputting the amount i...
[7 replies] Last: So i solved my own problem :) i needed to include cout << ........ ... (by nickoolsayz)
Atempting my first calculator
Hi guys, I just started today with C++, watched a couple tutorials and read up on some information on the internet. My problem is that I am trying to make it...
[5 replies] Last: I was going to use the variable to make a loop later instead of closin... (by animerockfreak)
C++ compiler & IDE tool
Hi All, Can you recommend me any C++ compiler or IDE tools with easy to use and powerful debugging function? I downloaded a DEV C++, but I dont know how t...
[1 reply] : Ew, Dev C++ :( Anyways, I just use VS2010 and Code:Blocks for my IDEs.... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Probably really simple
Hey, I'm just starting out and I can't figure out why this won't work. No matter what I input it treats the first if statement like it's true. What am I missing...
[4 replies] Last: How I remembered this when I started was by saying it aloud at first. ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Base conversion program
So I kind of want to make a basic base conversion program just for the hell of it. I'm not really sure how to go about doing it though. I can convert a number o...
[3 replies] Last: I KNEW that Disch was an underpants gnome, I just knew it! ( h... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
Program using <fstream>
[2 replies] Last: So many fstream questions lately :O (by ResidentBiscuit)
January 2012 Pages: 1... 910111213... 48
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