Beginners - January 2011 (Page 34)
I'm trying to run a bunch of text files through some code I wrote. The function passes in a string filename , and then I try to open it with:
[3 replies] Last: Anyone know why there isn't an overload? That's downright weird. I mea... (by rocketboy9000)
Geting wrong output at wery basic prog.
Hello all and thanks to everyone that will take the time to help me out. And to you other lassy ppl that just clicked on this :). Ok so to the point am just...
[3 replies] Last: The spaces mean nothing. That would work just fine. You must have ... (by Disch)
Beginning Game Programming
Hey guys. I've been learning C++ for a couple months now. I've pretty much learned most of the basics of it. However what i really want help with is getting st...
[7 replies] Last: the sites good but one of the examples he shows doesnt work for some r... (by paki programmer)
beginning SDL
For some reason, when the application works perfectly except it doesnt display the imgae. I put the bmp file in the same folder as the exe. however all that sho...
[2 replies] Last: i tried that but it didnt work lol. I pretty much put it in every fold... (by paki programmer)
Suggest me a good book
Hi, at the moment i have a book which teaches me c++, but it only teaches me programming with the console and i want to learn how to do a basic VISUAL program, ...
[17 replies] Last: Thanks for your replies, but that is the book im looking at, what leve... (by TpOreilly)
How to Check if Quotient is a whole number
I've been working on several programs to help me with a calculus class (we are allowed to use programmable calculators in the class and I am simply writing a ca...
[7 replies] Last: Try it: int main() { std::cout << "( 9.0 / 7.0 ) * 3.0 * 7.0... (by PanGalactic)
The "this" Pointer.
Is it possible to delete a class member that allocates heap memory using the "this" pointer?. Take the following code segment: class MY_CLASS { // C...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Disch. (by closed account zb0S216C)
Can't read data from file
Hi I really need your help. I'm trying to read the data from a file and display it on the screen. If run the program from Visual Studio it works. However if ...
[1 reply] : (by encoded)
by Crutoy
Improoving code
Hi im new to C++, trying to learn by reading the book. In the end of each chapter there are problems to solve. Im up to the loops. Is there any better way to cl...
[5 replies] Last: Crutoy: Don't worry, when you're just starting out you miss these thin... (by Metallon)
I have hard project .
Hi every one I have a hard project which is : The goal of this project is to implement a kind of game (MasterMind). This game consist into guess a playe...
[14 replies] Last: thanks . (by cplspls)
switch cases
Hello I am new to using switch cases and im trying to build a program that saves to a text file i looked up how to use switch cases on several sites and my cod...
[1 reply] : You're using the switch case-statement incorrectly. //Here is ho... (by Metallon)
by mozly
Mat lab programing
Hey guys, I am really curious to know what kind of algorithm matlab, maple, etc. use to parse an input equation and then compute it. Is there a guide or tuto...
[1 reply] : Check this out -> (by m4ster r0shi)
You could solve this in your sleep...
I just recently (yesterday infact) started to learn c++ and am finding it pretty entertaining; However I have had no programming experience before this so my pr...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks to the both of you I think i'm a lot closer to understanding... (by whiterz)
howcome this doesnt work
i am currently following a c++ tutorial and it has all been fine until now when i put in // my first string #include <iostream> #include <string> using n...
[2 replies] Last: ahhh :D thanks i feel stupid now xD (by jimbob1141)
Can you initialize a dynamic array of structs?
Can you initialize a dynamic array of structs. Like in this program. If you can how do you do it. struct CandyBar{ char BrandName ; float Weight; int C...
[5 replies] Last: Ok, thanks. I didn't even think about making a function to set it for... (by Kieth89)
cin.ignore and cin.get
When I run this code, I only have a chance to type in the variable "helTal" after that the program prints out: OUTPUT: Skriv in ett heltal:32 //This line wo...
[11 replies] Last: Do you need to scare me like that... ;-) Best of luck to you to! (by jonibygg)
float give me the answer "-0"
As the title state I am using the openCV library to solve some equations Mat_<float> const RIGHT = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << -1, -1, -1 ); Mat_<float> const L...
[1 reply] : Thats just 0. (by hamsterman)
by chenco
example code
can anyone please post an example code of a program who sends an float 2d array into function that do somthing on all the cells in the array i need to see how ...
[7 replies] Last: thanks for the one who want to help and for the rest i didnt want u ... (by chenco)
Determine size of array from external file
Hi How can we determine the size of an array that is sent to a function that was defined in another file? For example: file1 contains: ... extern func(int ...
[1 reply] : You can't determine the array size if the function is in the same file... (by hamsterman)
How do you make C++ solve equations?
Hey, I'm new too C++ so I have a pretty simple question I guess. How do you make the program find x in the following... 5 = 2 + x So yeah that's it jus...
[9 replies] Last: @sohguanh apparently that's not what he wants. also, I have a feeling... (by hamsterman)
January 2011 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 42
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