Beginners - January 2011 (Page 29)

2d array: File I/O
Hi, The program below takes input from user the marks of 10 students in 6 subjects and gives output as: Maths Phy Chem Bio C.Sc Eng Tot St...
[2 replies] Last: once again, apologies for the cluttered and lengthy code (i've already... (by sudhirs18)
hi, i got this error error no match 'for operator[]'
hi, i´m doing a program for a cinema, so i´m trying to compile this but it returns me several errors-->"in function bool compare(TipoPelcula&, Char*)' and ...
[2 replies] Last: ufff i don´t know the correct way to do it... c++ is making me mad (by pabloli150)
Exception Handling
Hi, I'm a newbie to c++ and am currently in the exception handling section of the course-ware. Issue at hand -------------- Output of following program O...
[4 replies] Last: Once again thanks for the explanation. Sudhir (by sudhirs18)
Need assistance with simple program (<10 lines)
Any ideas what's wrong with this? Although it compiles without a problem, I type in the first 10 digits of pi, press enter, and it won't work. I'm just doing th...
[3 replies] Last: unless of course you check if the char is a decimal, and have it skip ... (by closed account 4Gb4jE8b)
creating & assigning variables automatically ?
Hi, I have create a simple grid represented by 3 horizontal lines, and 3 vertical lines. This effectively makes 16 "squares". Now, when something occurs i...
[3 replies] Last: Or std::vector<bool> grid(16); , for that matter. (by Athar)
Equivalent of cin.getline for one char?
I have been substituting all I can with cin.getline instead of cin , since apparently that leaves behind a \n in the stream. but what if I want the user to j...
[6 replies] Last: But his stated concern is the leftover newline in the stream. std::ci... (by Duthomhas)
by acorn
mixed char and int stream from console
i started learning c++ along time ago. i got fairly comfortable with the language then stepped away from it for a long time. now im sorta going over the basics ...
[8 replies] Last: I copypasted this code out of an old program I still have. This code ... (by rocketboy9000)
Copy construction vs assignment operator
On Wikipedia, there's this sample code for a copy constructor: If we write our own copy constructor that performs a deep copy then this problem goes away. ...
[3 replies] Last: Only if _rowSize, _colSize, and _ptr are properly initialized in the c... (by Disch)
Finding and Replacing elements in a string
Okay, I'm making identical programs in C++ and Java (just in terms of doing the same thing) and I'm making an encryption program. My Java one is almost done and...
[7 replies] Last: std::string C = "aTbTcT"; size_t j = C.find_first_of('T'); ... (by stereoMatching)
r6010 abort() has been called
That's the error I'm getting when I try to run this program. This is only a problem when there is no premade settings file. D...
[no replies]
What the wrong on program c++ !!!
hi every one i need now to know the wrong on this program pLZ write a program that defines the following function: .int ReadDate (int x) read from the ...
[3 replies] Last: [co de] "Your code goes here" [/co de] Your array is over-sized (... (by ne555)
A phantom declaration?....
1>c:\documents and settings\cplusplus\my documents\visual studio 2010\projects\program\program\program.cpp(10): error C2369: 'Map' : redefinition; different sub...
[6 replies] Last: Are you using Visual C++ Express? Remember to delete the file, not ju... (by Return 0)
function does not take one arguments
I have a function, MapRefresh(char d) But when I call it when putting in the char variable MapRefresh(Dir) It gives the error in the title. I ha...
[3 replies] Last: Double post: (by Disch)
function does not take one arguments
I have a function, MapRefresh(char d) But when I call it when putting in the char variable MapRefresh(Dir) It gives the error in the title. I ha...
[4 replies] Last: Forgot the prototype. -.- I hate it when I come to you guys for such s... (by Hilo890)
Why is this not a valid friend?
class Clock { public: friend void regulateTime(); //some member functions... private: /int foo, bar; }; void regulateTime() { //som...
[2 replies] Last: Aha, so that explains it! So basically, this would be a step in the ri... (by Metallon)
by Zeikko
Couple problems with my "program"
Hi! I started to learn C++ couple days ago via this sites tutorial, and I'm struggling a bit with pointers and classes. But anyway, I made a little "countdow...
[5 replies] Last: western: Always glad to hear compliments, especially because I just st... (by Zeikko)
Operating System Programming
I have read a little about Operating Systems and now I am thinking of going for programming an operating system. Now, I don't have an old box that I can experi...
[7 replies] Last: Hey wait. Slow down! *gulp* What happened here? char boot_buf ;... (by Zia Ur Rehman)
Compiling problems, I don't know what I would make the title. D:
1>stdafx.obj : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl MapRefresh(void)" (?MapRefresh@@YAXXZ) already defined in Program.obj 1>stdafx.obj : error LNK2005: "char (* Map)...
[9 replies] Last: Okay, well, thanks guys. I'll make sure to this stuff in future progra... (by Hilo890)
Passing random numbers to a function
Hi.I am learning C++. I need to build code that does the following. 1) Generates 3 random numbers and passes them to next function 2) Next function uses ...
[no replies]
Clearing a stringstream
Hello, everybody. I'm trying to solve some problems over at Project Euler, but I got stuck. The problem reads as follow: A palindromic number reads the same ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! I had used convertir.str() = "" , but now I see the d... (by Davitosan)
January 2011 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 42
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