by kevin21388
Problem with Pointer to Char Array
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for your help. I decided to use the string class. (by kevin21388)
by DLDiamond
outputting decimal values less than 1
[3 replies] Last: +1 Zhuge (by jsmith)
by temityao
What is a Magic Number
[5 replies] Last: i tried every search engine i know, but everything is really complicat... (by temityao)
by TheBreadCat
Whats wrong with my class?
[3 replies] Last: lol thanks :P (by TheBreadCat)
by Multihunter
Use string as filepath for reading file on a different computer
[17 replies] Last: Good sir, I am insulted and as such you will from now on see a callous... (by closed account 4Gb4jE8b)
Break statement not in loop... |
[1 reply] : DAMN! Solved it myself. I needed to paste the computePercentages fun... (by OldNewProgrammer)
File write-read problem and some questions
[no replies]
by Romanoffff
[no replies]
by Crutoy
Diamond shape
[no replies]
by Tanax
Again there's something wrong with addresses..
[17 replies] Last: Why inline instead of separate declaration and definition? Becaus... (by Disch)
by Kieth89
Is it bad if I don't remember all the...
[4 replies] Last: Exactly. (by pwnedu46)
by mtlchronick
" Ans " for cmd calculator
[5 replies] Last: Lol. I remember making the same mistake not too long ago. :P (by pwnedu46)
Organization of a program |
[6 replies] Last: Splitting cause slowness? Only if your header doesn't have inlines for... (by rocketboy9000)
by cppnb
separate cin values with : colon
[4 replies] Last: Well,i am trying to store cin data entered into a text file..each data... (by cppnb)
by acorn
is overloading operators syntext just a matter of experience
[8 replies] Last: Here is another reference that includes some code examples that you ma... (by Alrededor)
by jasonah93
sfml tutorials
[no replies]
by Napwneon
Recursive function seems to be looping
[3 replies] Last: p = pow(a, 1)? why not just p = a? Edit: Actually, even better wou... (by Browni3141)
by ExponentialP
Sorting Array.... Without using Sort ???
[5 replies] Last: post your code and a test case (input/output) (by ne555)
by acorn
[2 replies] Last: thanks jsmith. it made sense to me as a reference or like you said a p... (by acorn)
by pathios
Finding a different way to clear screen
[3 replies] Last: To answer the OP's question: (by Duthomhas)