Beginners - January 2010 (Page 14)

argument of type `int (CaloCell::)()' does not match `int'
Hey guys, Pls help, I'm trying to compile the following program: #ifndef CALOCELL_HH #define CALOCELL_HH class CaloCell { private: double e...
[no replies]
how to make win32 API program..?
hello, i want to begin making c++ programs using win32 API,but what compiler must i use to build that program? i have used minGW but it seems difficult for me b...
[12 replies] Last: No, all efforts to port GNOME to windows AFAIK have been unsuccessful.... (by chrisname)
Compiler Problem
Hi there. I'm just starting to learn how to program in C++, and I'm having some problems with my compiler. I downloaded Dev C++, but every time I try to comp...
[5 replies] Last: I'm glad to be of assistance and I hope people don't use Dev in the fu... (by tummychow)
by Phazon
Input skipped
I have a few things to input (Name and two numbers), but the second input is always skipping and counted as 0. Here's the code: #include <iostream> #inc...
[3 replies] Last: Glad to be of assistance, input buffering can be very confusing. (by tummychow)
important quistion
can we use binary search algorithm with sorted linked list? explain why???
[6 replies] Last: No, you can't. Binary search requires a random access structure. (by helios)
by TanKCR
Visual Basic to c++
I have some source code that was supposed to be in c++ but turns out it was in visual basic, is there any sort of a tool or utility that will convert a visual b...
[12 replies] Last: Start from an Empty Project in VC++ (by Bazzy)
by cnix
Basic String Array Algorithm
Hello, its my first time here and programming isnt my strongest point. Any help is greatly appreciated. Take an array of strings with fixed size.. string m_...
[3 replies] Last: i couldnt figure out a solution looping backwards.. but i managed to f... (by cnix)
by Rycul
Function restarting itself.
Heya, I was wondering how I should go about fixing this problem I'm having: I made a function that restarts itself, instead of terminating and returning a va...
[14 replies] Last: Haha BettyBoopTS, the problems I had are all solved at the moment so I... (by Rycul)
What's automatic memory allocation ?
Hi there! Can you tell me what Automatic memory allocation allocates ? I know that: * Static memory allocation allocates global and static variables (...
[14 replies] Last: OK, thanks Bazzy ;) (by john891)
Access to public member in a Class
Hi, Can someone help me with this, i am trying to access a variable in the public domain of a class. class train { public: train(int X...
[5 replies] Last: You need to create a 'set_disparg()' fucntion that does have access ... (by mcleano)
by drk
acessing a vector within a structure
Hello, I'm having a problem adding values to a variable within a structure. Here's a simplified version of my program(only with the part that isn't working) ...
[6 replies] Last: I found another way to do that i wanted. Thanks anyway for your help... (by drk)
verifying an input
I have an assignment to create a program that gives the area of a circle given a radius. But the thing is we are supposed to verify that the entered radius is ...
[10 replies] Last: Oops! Sorry about that. I fixed it for you above. (I had originally... (by Duthomhas)
Question about Visual Studio 2008
Hello everyone.I've recently downloaded visual studio 2008 and i have a question. My question is how can you compile your program.Until now i have been using t...
[3 replies] Last: Wow, I'm sorry - I didn't look at this for 10 days, so I'm not sure yo... (by jrohde)
by djdenn
two-dimensional masives
is given a two-dimensional massive X : 1)comparable amount of all elements of the last odd element value N 2)arranged in descending order of the ele...
[3 replies] Last: here is a reference that might help: (by BettyBoopTS)
I need some help... I wrote a program that reads an input file containing names and numbers. I mapped the nunbers to letter grades and wrote the output to ano...
[11 replies] Last: dont text(or write code for that matter) while driving!!! >:( :) (by BettyBoopTS)
some thing in deleting from arrays
hello , i want to know how to delete an item from a sorted array
[2 replies] Last: thnx (by tifa farouk)
tic tac toe game crashing
when i play my console tic tac toe game it crashes. im using code blocks 8.02. it returns with a value 255(0xFF). and a bunch of weird text appears too, that h...
[4 replies] Last: ok i put it up under my name (by shadowvillian)
trouble understanding this sort function
Hi , So I have been studying C++ for about a month now, and do not fully understand how this sort function is working. I void sort(int*a,int*b){ fo...
[10 replies] Last: Actually, no. He phrased it correctly. a=*b--; is the same as a=*b;... (by helios)
Output to text file
Would this work to set the precision of output to a text file to 10 decimal places? cout.precision(10); cout.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); ...
[1 reply] : ohhhhhhhhhhhh i figured it out ofstream calculated; calc... (by garrett)
Getting a value between two numbers with boolean operators?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Fixed, thanks to moorecm! ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, so I was running a test program loosly based on a tutorial ...
[7 replies] Last: It's all about paying attention to detail and reading very, very caref... (by moorecm)
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