Beginners - January 2010

Can't access a vector inside a class
Alright I'm trying to use a vector inside of a class but I'm getting unresolved externals and I'm not sure on how to fix it. class Sfx { private: Rend...
[4 replies] Last: The problem has nothing to do with vector. The linker can't find th... (by Disch)
complier saying "first defined here"
Hi thanks for your time. I'm trying to learn how to use graphics in dev c++, since there is no BGI library there i used this tutorial: http://www.uniqueness-t...
[no replies]
void vs void * when declaring function
As i know void is being used when declaring a function with no return type. But i came across some function declarations stating with void * . eg:- void *d...
[3 replies] Last: The code is wrong, in this case. If you try compiling it, the compile... (by Disch)
run-time libraries
does c++depend on a run-time library?
[3 replies] Last: It generally depends on your compiler...go check the site for you comp... (by firedraco)
what doesn't this the tutorial on this website cover?
I 'm almost done with the tutorial but I just need to know if it covers everything. thx :)
[11 replies] Last: Actually Adobe Reader does let you bookmark the tutorial pdf file from... (by kevinkjt2000)
header files
what is the difference between #include<iostream> and include"iostream" or include<iostream.h> do these symobls <> do different things than these "" and is .h n...
[3 replies] Last: the header files are used as such: #include <iostream> - standard l... (by athlon52)
A few questions about custom headers
I had a few quick questions about the following: main.cpp // Includes the headers we need. #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <string> #...
[1 reply] : 1) Yes, I answered this myself because I finally got the file included... (by businessman332211)
library's source
how can I look at a library's source like iostream?
[14 replies] Last: There is source available online for GNU glibc and libstdc++ (see my p... (by moorecm)
problems with arrays
This is my algorithm explained in a very simple way. I know that my problem is a homework but I think ...
[no replies]
while loop
I made up my own while loop to imitate cruse control on a car but theres just one error that keeps showing up and no I'm not trying to get anybody to do my hom...
[7 replies] Last: thanks fellas || finally got it!!! (by jason007thomas)
by j3tt
Bar code program
I need to create a program that, upon collecting two sets of five digit bar code numbers: a.Sums the second and forth numbers in the manufacturers code. b...
[3 replies] Last: Because a string is an array of characters. I suppose you can use a... (by chrisname)
matrix class
ok i have to make a matrix class for a math library and im now Very lost with what im ment to do or how to do it the code i have so far is: #include <iostrea...
[2 replies] Last: I would strong suggest passing by const reference to avoid unnecessary... (by jsmith)
What are: & | ~ ^ operators?
I have seen these used before, however I don't understand what they are used for. As they are rarely spoken about in beginning tutorials, books etc and I'm havi...
[11 replies] Last: bit shift demo #include <iostream> using std::cin; using std::co... (by blackcoder41)
by Mathes
malloc in a function
Hello, today i was studying for my exams in 2 weeks, where i need some C (not C++). thats no big deal. but i tried a few things with malloc and pointers to ...
[2 replies] Last: first of all, thank you very much. :-D the behavior of f0 you expla... (by Mathes)
Don't understand this section of code.
What does this code do? Rectangle::Rectangle(): itsWidth(5), itsLength(10) {} "Rectangle" is a class name. "Rectangle()" is a member function. "itsWidt...
[2 replies] Last: (by blackcoder41)
by KC2010
having trouble w/ strings & function headers
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> //FUNCTION PROTOTYPES int getMonthTot(); int getLastMonthTot(); float getCalcRate(); char getString(); void d...
[6 replies] Last: This is how I have it written now, all seems to be working except for ... (by KC2010)
about linkers
If my program makes no references or call any libraries, what needs to be linked? Can I just run an object file? Why is a linker needed to turn it into an execu...
[3 replies] Last: need to link all c/c++ standard libs. like <iostream> (by DrakeMagi)
Expanding an Array
Ok so this is a school exercise so I know a vector would be more appropriate but I’m required to use an array. I’m making a stack implementation using an ar...
[5 replies] Last: Ok I got it now. Rather then have a hard codded array (items ) I need ... (by DyslexicDan)
operator overload functions
i am making a math library and the work sheet im working off tell's me to do the += operator like is: //+= operator //Returns the left operator //Usage: le...
[2 replies] Last: ok i see it now thx so much for your help ill be back later with more ... (by deorcar)
Integers (Unsigned & signed)
What are the differences between unsigned int, signed int & int?
[2 replies] Last: In the tutorial - ... (by bluezor)
January 2010 Pages: 123... 24
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