Beginners - February 2021 (Page 8)

hot to solve error (0xc00000fd)
Hello, I'm trying to split my main.cpp into several.cpp files. I'm using a single header file to contain all my definitions. I am using multiple structs to o...
[3 replies] Last: is it a wrong way to use structs with a header file? No, it is not w... (by dutch)
I keep getting an " error: expected primary-expression before 'char' "
I've isolated my code and I've found this is where the problem is coming from - my clear function. I'm currently making a 2D array. I've made a function that al...
[2 replies] Last: Yes. Thank you very much! (by KittyIchigo1)
by kmce
How to handle template arrays being passed to functions
I have a template of an array class. I want to overload the << operator to print out the array, so i need to pass in the array, but I cannot figure out how to d...
[3 replies] Last: See 'Why do I get linker errors when I use template friends?' https://... (by JLBorges)
by PK Dey
tack around the variable 'a' was corrupted
Error>> Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'a' was corrupted. Could someone please explain Why the above error occurs when I run the followi...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks dutch! I have learned a lot of key points of C++ language from ... (by PK Dey)
by amr200
incorrect sort and search output
my sort and search code looks correct but when it runs it acts all weird, it sorts in a wrong way where it shows 0s if the elements aren't at the required max a...
[4 replies] Last: Is this supposed to be a queue using a circular buffer? Right now it ... (by dhayden)
by ErikDz
Need help importing httplib (1,2)
Hi, so I want to #include "./httplib.h", but it always tells me that 'openssl/err.h': No such file or directory I've tried adding the argument "/I C://Progr...
[20 replies] Last: Have you tried compiling in "release" mode? (by dutch)
Bubble sort algorithm
So output should be numbers from 1-100. I gett error at line 23. - 'printf' was not declared in this scope. How can i fix it? void bubble_sort(int *ar...
[6 replies] Last: if using c++, #include <cstdio> or better use iostream (by ne555)
by whaley
I need help using GitHub! So we were told to work in pairs, and each pair has a leader and a team member. The instructions were as follows: git config --g...
[2 replies] Last: ... (by ne555)
The Shapes Program
I currently writing a C++ program that calculates area, perimeter, surface area, and volume of common 2D and 3D shapes. Then, the program outputs the results on...
[8 replies] Last: Here's another version. This one uses virtual methods to print so main... (by dhayden)
by mxkxx
cant open the sent exe file
my teacher cannot open the exe file of my project. It says System error and " The code execution cannot proceed because libgcc_s_seh-1.dll was not found. Reinst...
[16 replies] Last: it worked now. thankyou very much for saving me hahahaha <3 (by mxkxx)
While loop with if else
Hi, so I believe I did my coding right so far? I could be wrong, I'm completely new to this. Assignment was to enter number from 0 to 501. 0 and 501 out of rang...
[7 replies] Last: Based upon code from previous post here (by seeplus)
by mxkxx
dynamic to static
how can i change my settings from dynamic to static linking?? iam using code blocks.
[1 reply] : I've never used an IDE for c++ but the manual for Codeblocks is here: ... (by lastchance)
Wont print 100
Write your queThe book says to print 100 3 times by inputting 42 42 42 42 42 55 55 62 100 100 100 but it doesnt print "100 occurs 3 times" #include <iostr...
[13 replies] Last: > The 100 part is missing when I go to press ctrl + F5 The last numbe... (by JLBorges)
Please help.
Can someone please help me with this code? I am fairly new to programming and don't want this code to fail. I am having a hard time doing this. 1) Add the bin...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the info "buddy!" (by Dawson82)
Gray block
Hey guys, Today i installed c++ on my macbook(mac os high sierra, early 2015) and when i declare a variable(int) or cout it appears a gray block, which i can'...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, helped me ! (by biscuitedelicios)
by int321
confusion with if else statement
If I enter one number < 60 and one > 60 why is it still printing student failed? and If I enter two numbers above 95 it doesn't print Student Graduated with Ho...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah Andy. That was actually my previous lab with time. That’s why I... (by int321)
For Loop inside A While loop
Hi im suppose to write a for loop inside a while loop where i ask the user to input a number between 0 and 501. and then when the number input is in the range i...
[5 replies] Last: Consider: #include <iostream> #include <limits> using namespace std... (by seeplus)
Undefined reference to parent class constructor
There are two programs below. When I run the first program, I encounter an error stating undefined reference to base class constructor and destructor. However, ...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you gentlement, I think I finally understand it. (by megamonium)
Control LED
I have code like this. #pragma endregion int counter = 0; int dec_value = 0; private: System::Void Button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventA...
[1 reply] : On line 29 of the arduino program you read an int using parseInt(). Wh... (by coder777)
Wrong result using unsigned long long int
I'm playing with a simple program to learn about recursion. I've tried to calculate the Fibonacci number 50 which should be 12,586,269,025. The result however ...
[16 replies] Last: > Optimized tail recursion only uses one stack frame. It's equivalent ... (by JLBorges)
February 2021 Pages: 1... 678910... 12
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