by robjs111
type casting
[10 replies] Last: The (node*) part is a cast to interpret the pointer as pointing to a n... (by Ganado)
Use of same class in multiple functions |
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Handy Andy, that is very helpful and I believe points me in the... (by michaelwilliams6511)
Int variable not updating |
[2 replies] Last: Also here -> (by salem c)
by tomisrb
Can you help me with this code
[3 replies] Last: This is 'c hacking at its worst'. The result is undefined as it depend... (by seeplus)
by RubixIsCubed
Need Help For An Assignment, really new to c++
[3 replies] Last: Hello RubixIsCubed, Hey Guys I was wondering if anyone in this forum ... (by Handy Andy)
String array won't work correctly in an if statement |
[10 replies] Last: @Handy Andy, thank you, it helps a lot. I was not sure about the synta... (by possum swallower)
by brookeshnook
input center and a point on a circle a million times with no correct output
[2 replies] Last: ... Oh, wow. Thank you. I can't believe I missed that. (by brookeshnook)
by bstroe
Missing element
[15 replies] Last: Thanks @seeplus @lastchance ! (by bstroe)
by bstroe
The element are not in order
[8 replies] Last: In which case, consider: #include <iostream> #include <set> int ma... (by seeplus)
by frog1990
Array sum
[4 replies] Last: It can also be done as: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #inc... (by seeplus)
by DonnaPin
linked list insertion time complexity?
[11 replies] Last: Another important consideration for preferring the standard library li... (by JLBorges)
by d34dc0d3
Help me to understand constructors and destructors
[3 replies] Last: @AbstractionAnon thank you very much, your explanation why only destru... (by d34dc0d3)
by rozick1
vector of queue of unique_ptr
[4 replies] Last: I didn't say what the problem is, so I'll do that now. vector::push_b... (by mbozzi)
by Justcus
Problems printing Unicode characters in Windows
[16 replies] Last: Yeah when i use the actual characters I get garbage. the only thing th... (by Justcus)
by Kusakabe
[1 reply] : You're explaining the details of how your code works. Like what algori... (by Ganado)
by NateB33
Random number problem
[7 replies] Last: That's exactly what I said. Anyway, he said it's fixed now, but didn't... (by dutch)
by frog1990
Read integers from a text file with C++ ifstream
[13 replies] Last: Yes, that's a good point. I didn't need special treatment for one less... (by lastchance)
by Scorpia
Search word from file C++
[19 replies] Last: Ok, I'm looking for options but it seems it's more effective the way i... (by Scorpia)
by icezy
C++ Classes and Overloaded Functions
[5 replies] Last: That is to what I was referring (and polymorphism) above when I mentio... (by seeplus)
by lazylife
Coding Challenge:
[5 replies] Last: Dutch's bit shifting is just the application of the standard formula f... (by seeplus)