by frog1990
Remove first node of the linked list
[2 replies] Last: Sometimes your code calls free(s) when you haven't freed anything. Som... (by dhayden)
by learner999
Assigning a name to ecah componnet of 3D array
[2 replies] Last: Also, line 6 should be sprintf() , not printf() Why do you want to... (by dhayden)
by mxkxx
[2 replies] Last: it works! thankyou very much for your help! (by mxkxx)
SDL_TTF update text each cycle - better solution? |
[1 reply] : Instead of creating a new SDL_Surface and creating a new texture from ... (by helios)
by SamIAm3
Reading from Input File
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstring> using names... (by lastchance)
include\Term.h|8|note: candidates are: 'constexpr Term::Term(const Term&)'| ??? |
[4 replies] Last: Taking a break can be a big help too. (by mbozzi)
Need help with first code. |
[5 replies] Last: Welcome to C++! tags are special sequences that inform how the text i... (by seeplus)
by learner999
Writing the values on a txt file
[7 replies] Last: Thank you so much @lastchance, I realized my mistake and I opened the ... (by learner999)
by Winslow1342
Digits after decimal place.
[4 replies] Last: Handy Andy, Lastchance, and Seeplus; thank you for all your help. Got ... (by Winslow1342)
QDoubleSpinBox not giving correct result |
[6 replies] Last: double celsius = ui->celsiusLine->value(); assuming that ui->celsius... (by keskiverto)
by StMiles
Vectors change addresses, is reserve the only solution?
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, I see the tradeoff is the std::list is a linked list and is... (by StMiles)
by renpo
don't understand
[3 replies] Last: I'm kind of surprised your compiler didn't even give you a warning whe... (by JRManx)
by JRManx
Encrypting program using C-strings
[14 replies] Last: @jonnin After initializing to zeros, the output was still OPENINGAAA... (by JRManx)
lambda question |
[11 replies] Last: Ah, you name your lambdas in those examples. I see a lot of unnamed o... (by jonnin)
by leander g
Just ran into my first "Program Received signal SIGSEGV" error. Some thoughts ...
[10 replies] Last: they have seemingly random values consider yourself lucky. If it wou... (by leander g)
by Razgriz
Print items in structure with quantity < 10
[4 replies] Last: If you still have problems, post your code. (by seeplus)
help for the following exercise |
[3 replies] Last: I need help in the following exercise What help do you need? Can yo... (by seeplus)
by L67GS
Duration of audio files
[5 replies] Last: Oh yeah I see the sledgehammer, I'm not against using ffmpeg so much a... (by L67GS)
by ejulien18
Store text lines from a file into a char array
[5 replies] Last: Exactly what I needed. Thanks seeplus! (by ejulien18)
by KishoreG
C-string vector acts differently than std::string vector?
[17 replies] Last: It was just meant to highlight that _exec??() is used with VS rather t... (by seeplus)