by siid14
Functions place.
[5 replies] Last: To keskiverto and seeplus' point, what you're practicing is, actually,... (by Niccolo)
by Shervan360
Two % for show % in C
[3 replies] Last: Because that's just the way it is. But the more proper reason is that... (by Ganado)
by mrsduhh
Assigning Variables to each Vector Value
[5 replies] Last: void Pill::definePills(int p) { vector<int> pillDef(p); for (int p... (by keskiverto)
by icezy
[8 replies] Last: Thanks seeplus Can I chat you up privately? No. I'll only provide... (by seeplus)
Linked list copying via recursion |
[2 replies] Last: this will work a lot better if your list had an insert function. eg ... (by jonnin)
by Darber2
Problem in making auto clicker
[4 replies] Last: the fixed source if anyone need #define WINVER 0x0500 #include <Wi... (by Darber2)
by Learner1
Logical problem
[6 replies] Last: I know but it's just for some personal purpose (by Learner1)
Problem With My OOP. |
[5 replies] Last: Nvm, I fixed it. fyi: The error messages were (class @@ &&have been... (by HypeCoderPanda)
by lazylife
Why does it skip array index 0 ?
[16 replies] Last: OK, thanks @ Furry Guy , I'll try that out! Edit: Well I'll be da... (by JRManx)
by ayanokoji
Does anyone know how to print this
[12 replies] Last: Without using the maths: #include <iostream> using namespace std; ... (by seeplus)
help with arrays |
[5 replies] Last: For a starter - for 1) and 2) consider (assuming that 2 means sum of t... (by seeplus)
by mrsfizz9
Do While Loop Not Looping/Working
[4 replies] Last: Hello mrsfizz9, As I managed to get the code to compile an run I disc... (by Handy Andy)
by TheDovah7
Fibonacci with dynamic programming not working!
[1 reply] : Pass your map by reference , not value. Otherwise it's a very expensi... (by lastchance)
by a7300235
questions about stl sort
[2 replies] Last: excellent explanation. get the point. thanks a lot. (by a7300235)
by TheManx
C++ approach to handling collections
[8 replies] Last: Thank you Gentlemen all. JLBorges, you really made the point clearly ... (by TheManx)
by Minionmin
Help! My calculator doesn’t work properly!
[2 replies] Last: I fixed it just now! Thank you so much! (by Minionmin)
by CreativeC
String encoding coming from libcurl
[9 replies] Last: > On top of that I'm worried, I wanted my crawler to be really fast, (... (by salem c)
by Awak3nDreams
Logic error
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by Awak3nDreams)
by av16352
Having trouble with second method
[2 replies] Last: Yeah I'm not a fan of using the global variables either but sadly I ha... (by av16352)
by MaxGreen
object division
[2 replies] Last: @coder777. thanks mate (by MaxGreen)