by DonnaPin
copy assignment operator - arrays
[13 replies] Last: The ptr may or may not be pointing to something, depending on which co... (by lastchance)
by leighbelle
Advice Pls: Do/While/For Loops
[3 replies] Last: Just to be able to have this closed - I have found the issue and resol... (by leighbelle)
by xmaslad
Error in folder
[5 replies] Last: i mean the source code file is in the same folder as the .dat I open ... (by xmaslad)
NDK with C++ |
[1 reply] : The Android emulator is still showing "Hello from C++", instead of th... (by Ganado)
by markyrocks
Going a "bit" bananas!! HA
[11 replies] Last: @dhayden I appreciate it man. I totally agree with your point on the w... (by markyrocks)
by BMTfire
Recieving infomration from sender
[8 replies] Last: I finally got around to actually creating my own CLR project instead o... (by Ganado)
by y19177
Not sure what are the mistakes
[5 replies] Last: unscoped enum doesn't cause a problem by itself. It's a C++ guideline ... (by seeplus)
by DragNinja1
Urgent: VS showing error null ptr but I cant find it
[4 replies] Last: [quote=Handy Andy] //#include <string> // <--- Not needed here after ... (by MikeyBoy)
by rsingh2083
strcat not working
[6 replies] Last: My bad.Edited it. (by pig the funnel)
by mrsduhh
Output Values are negative in Circle class
[4 replies] Last: The manifest constant M_PI is not standard C or C++; it is a Posix ext... (by JLBorges)
by fups
function to gather data using ampersand
[13 replies] Last: Consider based upon my previous code: #include <iostream> #include ... (by seeplus)
Hellpp Urgent. Please |
[2 replies] Last: There's several issues the program - including not understanding strto... (by seeplus)
by rv11265
Beginner having issue with console app
[9 replies] Last: cout << "The difference: " << firstnumber - secondnumber << endl; ... (by seeplus)
by Drayt
Random string selector
[3 replies] Last: Use c++ random rather than the c rand() et al. Rather than using c-sty... (by seeplus)
by telco
How to read from a .txt file
[4 replies] Last: You haven't specified the size of your array. So it is zero. So you ca... (by lastchance)
by kmce
Anonymous unions
[3 replies] Last: > I will just use the first style the site shows if i ever need to us... (by JLBorges)
by avnue
Need help modifying this code to replace int with Chars
[1 reply] : If you showed us the code you were trying to compile that doesn't comp... (by Ganado)