by ycong
'for' not recognized
[4 replies] Last: your guess is as good as mine! I actually do have a couple of the thi... (by jonnin)
by MaxGreen
operator overloading
[3 replies] Last: dhayden, thanks a lot for your explanation, all your suggestions were ... (by MaxGreen)
by learner999
Finding the minimum value of a line in a 3D array
[8 replies] Last: Thank you so much @keskiverto. However, I need the middle indice of th... (by learner999)
Passing Filestream functions ifstream or ofstream |
[5 replies] Last: If you pass ifstream by ref in a function, then you can do things like... (by seeplus)
by frog1990
Days between dates.
[5 replies] Last: CountLeapYears() should count the leap years in this date. So it shoul... (by dhayden)
A moving assignment exists with a friend function in the class and error occurs. |
[2 replies] Last: @seeplus Thanks. I got it now. When the moving assignment is defined, ... (by wanabeahacker)
const reference |
[7 replies] Last: My bad. I read 9C0 as 920. My eyesight! You replied before I had the c... (by seeplus)
by hako2002
Reading file.txt with mixture of first name, last name & middle name
[2 replies] Last: Consider: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <sstream>... (by seeplus)
by Brian845
Tried a for & while loop...what am I doing wrong?
[13 replies] Last: When I was taught programming more years ago than I care to remember b... (by seeplus)
by mnm71
how can convert ?
[2 replies] Last: If you just want to pass it to a function that accepts const float *, ... (by dutch)
by lost110
Counting total number of arithmetic operations in nested loop
[6 replies] Last: Yes, the test will run one more time than the increment, but if n is 5... (by dutch)
Win32 message |
[4 replies] Last: Now I understood! Thank so much Ganado and JLBorges, very precious inf... (by DanielDeChamps)
by frog1990
C++ class
[2 replies] Last: I havn't thoroughly tested this but from the troubleshooting i've done... (by markyrocks)
function value won't apply to loop |
[5 replies] Last: I only ask bc shotgun has a direct effect on the value of shotgunhelpe... (by markyrocks)
by MaxGreen
operator overloading
[4 replies] Last: @seeplus, thanks a lot!! (by MaxGreen)
Printing an array of string with the help of struct |
[2 replies] Last: @Ganado ohhh I see thanks. You are a huge help man. I still have a lot... (by WeebTriestoCode)
by learner999
function returns the ordered array index
[4 replies] Last: Thank you @lastchance (by learner999)
by AndreLouis
String Array Is Populated But String Is Empty?
[2 replies] Last: Hi Salem. Thank you for going to the trouble to copy my code and fix ... (by AndreLouis)
by mechatronicb
C++ writing
[1 reply] : [Note this is C++/cli] (by seeplus)
by Pepeforever
Problem with while loop
[3 replies] Last: v1 does v2 doesn't because --num is after cout. The while loop is onl... (by seeplus)