Beginners - February 2019 (Page 23)

confused with this error
Write your question here. Hi, Im tring to write a function to accept the value that user input but i keep getting this error: error C2065: 'cin': undeclared i...
[2 replies] Last: oooh my, how could I :))) thanks a lot (by aliklz92)
by kmce
Deleting array from heap
Hi, I am learning from a webpage, currently arrays pointers and the heap, so i am practicing by making an array on the heap. But what the website shows, I do no...
[5 replies] Last: Can I not just do int *p = new int , and leave it at that, to be fil... (by fiji885)
Passing arguments and parameters
Hi! I do not understand how to pass both arguments and parameters to a c++ script. I want to let the final user to use my script in the following way: ...
[2 replies] Last: Your terminology is non-standard. We usually call anything passed on t... (by dutch)
I need help with my Blackjack game program C++
Hi. I'm trying to make a variation of a blackjack game for my C++ class but I'm having trouble with it. One problem I'm having is that when I have each player (...
[9 replies] Last: it isn't. Money hold 4 values, one for each player. Money is uniqu... (by jonnin)
by traplo
I could really use some help with this program
I cant figure out why my program wont work. heres the assignment and my source code so far. Program Description: Mary has found a collection of books (Books....
[no replies]
Receive the data of Wireless Modem through Byte Format
Hi, I have just started with the embedded core work, I am trying to read the byte array from the wireless modem which is connected to my laptop. This Wireless ...
[1 reply] : You need to read the data from the serial port. boost asio has a seria... (by coder777)
random numbers and getting their Sum, and Avg
what i'm trying to do with this program is have the randomly generated numbers add up to equal a sum, then in another line show the average between them all, th...
[15 replies] Last: @FurryGuy, thanks for the correction. 😊 (by chicofeo)
I can't find the mistake
Hi! I made a list container which as close as possible to the STL one. The remove method was implemented in this way: template<class T> void Container<T>::R...
[8 replies] Last: For completeness: This is where the debugger comes in. You should be... (by cppStudent012)
Help With Dice Roll Histogram
Hello. I am in need of assistance; currently working on a program that ask the user to input a certain amount of dice rolls to be simulated (in my case 500) usi...
[13 replies] Last: The reference &e is a bit like passing arguments to functions as refe... (by H00G0)
How c++ can be used to make very simple OS ?
Hello, I want to make very simple OS that just shows a red screen, shut down with a key. If I am not wrong I can use OpenGL to render graphics for my OS. Is ...
[7 replies] Last: A bit off-topic, but if you ever do make something noteworthy, be sure... (by Ganado)
by Bopaki
I cannot declare objects of the class
I want to declare objects myList and otherList of the class cAssignmentOprOverload. I get this error: cAssignmentOprOverload\main.cpp:10:28: error: call of ov...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks coder777!!! the program now works fine (by Bopaki)
string help
I want to convert an int to a string and put it into the middle of a existing string. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include...
[4 replies] Last: > Can you give me a good up to date c++ IDE and compiler? If you are ... (by JLBorges)
Phone number checker, issues w/ conditionals
Hello! I'm writing a telephone checker that's meant to look for a very specific US telephone number format. It goes like (555)555-5555. It iterates through each...
[3 replies] Last: Let the data structure the code. As in most cases, the general problem... (by JLBorges)
Reducing CPU Time For My Program
I'm practicing C++ programs and I can't figure out how to make my program run quickly enough (1 sec or less). Problem:
[2 replies] Last: Ahhh okay. Thank you! That really helps. (by PiggiesGoSqueal)
by Jclow
How to create an array of structs with arrays inside them
Hi, sorry if this seems like an odd question/request, but is there any kind soul out there able to show me an example of how you would make 3D array using struc...
[10 replies] Last: I was hoping that, even though there is UE specific code involved ulti... (by Jclow)
February 2019 Pages: 1... 212223
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