by NKGold
It won't work
[3 replies] Last: How exactly are you entering the values? After changing the type to ... (by jlb)
by maroon419
Rounding to two digits and stop program from following two if statements
[6 replies] Last: @chicofeo, Obviously English is not your first language. You've misund... (by dutch)
by Marcus99
String manipulation
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <ve... (by lastchance)
by DdavidDLT
LF Prime numbers
[1 reply] : Hello DdavidDLT, When I started working with the program Ii found tha... (by Handy Andy)
tridiagonal matrix inversion |
[9 replies] Last: Dear lastchance(2887), I realize that this technique will give me vec... (by nurulhudaismail)
by atreides98
Ascending, descending sorting wrong numbers
[1 reply] : Your arrays WILL be accessed out of bounds on lines 72 and 117, becaus... (by lastchance)
by ryan157
12 Compiler errors found in my code :(
[9 replies] Last: You cannot write functions that use Node unless you know how the Node ... (by keskiverto)
by Bopaki
What does this line mean or do in this example program
[1 reply] : It's a member function prototype for the constructor of the class. J... (by Grime)
by Kpshannon
Getting "inf" and don't know why
[9 replies] Last: Please use code tags. If you want exp(x) - or most other power series... (by lastchance)
by Paul012345
How to find a sphenic number
[2 replies] Last: Factorise your number by scanning from 2, 3, ..., sqrt(N). Divide out ... (by lastchance)
by lovebug
seperate functions that open/close files
[5 replies] Last: awesome, thank you! (by lovebug)
by aycodetime
Is this code causing a memory leak?
[4 replies] Last: Singly or doubly linked has nothing to do with it. The problem is call... (by dutch)
by lost110
Passing by value
[5 replies] Last: Bundle of Thanks! Stay blessed! (by lost110)
by bzarr
Switch statement won't break and instead loops forever
[3 replies] Last: @Grime and @Uk Marine thanks for the help I noticed I had put the swit... (by bzarr)
vector of vector |
[12 replies] Last: @ Grime unfortunately it was the first time that i used a vector and i... (by closed account y3091hU5)
vector of array |
[11 replies] Last: @lastchance i know that j=5 is out of rang but my code will be use by ... (by closed account y3091hU5)
by garza07
[14 replies] Last: You're not doing a bad job at all for a newbie. I have some suggestio... (by Grime)
by colton96
problem with looping and updating variables
[3 replies] Last: A helpful link for vectors is (by chicofeo)
by Paul012345
Passing an array of numbers to a function
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> bool is_perfect( int number )... (by JLBorges)
by NKGold
I need some explanation
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { const std::si... (by JLBorges)