Beginners - February 2019 (Page 21)

Working with text files
Not sure if this is the right place to ask a question since I've been looking for an answer on the internet but couldn't find I thought that I might ask here. S...
[5 replies] Last: well, if you are being practical, open it in excel.. :P (by jonnin)
Keeping Window Open
My program is closing as soon as it finishes running. The person using it has no time to actually read what is there. This has been happening with all of my pro...
[6 replies] Last: right. My batch is the admin prompt, which I often need. I had forgo... (by jonnin)
Need help in encoding a string
Hello guys! I am stuck in this program. Its giving errors. Basically, we have to encode "Hello World". The way to do this is by using the last 4 numbers of my ...
[10 replies] Last: Why are you passing a and b as pointers? In his second post, the OP ... (by dhayden)
C++ guess game w/ vectors
missseducated, This vector stores the answer. In this example, the answer is "orion". Of course, this vector would be hidden from the player at least unt...
[2 replies] Last: You don't have to edit your original post to answer, you can also post... (by H00G0)
by JayGln
changing arrays
hello, I'm trying to figure out a problem I'm having. The original code would hold the original price and the increased price in the array. He wants us to chan...
[4 replies] Last: srand sets the "stream" by setting the seed. <random> works this way ... (by jonnin)
it runs, but in a loop... #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int a = 1; double x; double y; int c; double sum; int z; int u; int q; ...
[3 replies] Last: I've never heard if cases and switch... I'll do more research, thank y... (by gitelmana)
even odd
I am new to c++ and i am having issues formatting code to output the number of even and odd integers in a randomized array. I have the code for the randomized a...
[12 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n; ... (by navi336)
need quick help guys!
I have to encode "Hello World".The way to do this is by using the last 4 numbers of my roll number. Example scenario: If roll no is 18F-0805. So Code 1 is 0+8+...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; const str... (by lastchance)
Grid value range
Dear friends In the following code I trying to create a box with 100x100 lines by varying the value of grid. I however could create a box with 50x50 when I us...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks @lastchance it worked with replacing \t with \n. (by usmannazir)
Failed to Compile ( comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions)
Hello, can someone help with this code ? its not compiling and I am having such hard time fixing it. This is regarding a lab I'm working on. -----------------...
[5 replies] Last: thank you all. (by GinoMulla)
by ramp00
Multiple errors in header, looking for insight
Hey! I'm new to c++, and I'm working with a program to print a vector with random values from 0 to 100. When I try to run the program, I get the following erro...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks again, you are really helping me understand how this works!:) T... (by ramp00)
segmentation fault
I keep getting a segmentation fault error when running this program, it also cycles through the menu 100 times then stops, I don't know why it won't find the me...
[7 replies] Last: I'd perhaps start with removing these from main ofstream outfile("s... (by salem c)
by Maria2
Hi, guys, new girl here :-) needs your help. In one of programs I have, cout first character, in the other doesn't. Confused at first place that...
[10 replies] Last: If you are using Windows consider Visual Studio 2017. It is free in ... (by Maria2)
Trouble writing programs
I am in a comp. science course and the college does not offer tutoring for assistance with C++. The course is also online so I am unable to ask the teacher to h...
[1 reply] : formatting the program... for now, just indent one time for every comp... (by jonnin)
Need assistance opening a file from the console!
Hello, I've been recently looking to fix one of my programs, which is basically just a reminder that pops up every time I open Windows (I put the program in the...
[2 replies] Last: @H00G0 I've seen that while I was looking for a specific function for ... (by Corehowl)
Hey guys. I can't seem to get this code to write. I think I'm passing my arrays wrong. I'm writing a sorting algorithm that is supposed to display the contents ...
[3 replies] Last: You can try this program. this is the easiest way to write shorting pr... (by Shruti7109162)
How do I pass an argument to a constructor that has a class has its parameter? The print method should only print the radius and height of the cyllinder Th...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> struct circle { double radius ; // expl... (by JLBorges)
by NKGold
Can't seem to make my code read white-spaces
How can I change this to include white-spaces #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { const size_t nchars ...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cctype> int main() {... (by JLBorges)
Help with payroll code.
Hello, I'm very new to C++. I'm currently trying to figure this code out that calculates payroll with deductions and with-holdings. It's throwing a few errors t...
[5 replies] Last: Hello Elarton, My apologizes I started to say that you should replace... (by Handy Andy)
Won't calculate correctly
I am trying to have this output the number of multiples, not the numbers that are multiples. For example input of 7 and 23, I would want an output of 5 and 3, o...
[7 replies] Last: Got it. Thanks! (by ames1951)
February 2019 Pages: 1... 1920212223
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