Beginners - February 2019 (Page 17)

Code Analysis/Critique (1,2)
Hello, First off I want to say that I have been coding on and off as a hobby, for a long time. I started with BASIC when I was a lot younger and I started lear...
[31 replies] Last: The hard part for me is finding something to DO with it on a daily ba... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Help using the sin function?
I need help with a code from my beginner course. This code is to calculate the conductivity of a substance. The formula I am using is lamda = 75∗sin(4.5𝑤)/...
[3 replies] Last: Did everything you said and it's running perfectly. Thank you! (by yeetoneem)
Nested loops think process assistance
hello there, I was recently asked to code the sine of a given value using the Taylor series. FYI before getting mad at me: Yes, it was an assignment given to m...
[8 replies] Last: "!" represent the factorial of the number (by nicolas9511)
by ramp00
Value of class elements
I have a class, and I want to find the value of a element in the class. How do I do that? Header: enum class Rank{ two = 2, three, four, five, six, se...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by ramp00)
by Dum
Manhattan Rectangle
Somebody help me In xor decomposition problem I unable to get any idea
[3 replies] Last: I thought that topic title looked familiar.. (by H00G0)
Online tutors
Can anybody recommend a site where you can get tutoring through skype for C++? I found a site called but it is not a functioning website.
[1 reply] : Well what follows is purely personal opinion. I don't think you need ... (by H00G0)
Problem with solving pythagorean triple problem
So the problem is a user inputs a number and you must find if any of the possible sums of that number are pythagorean triples, for example 12=3+4+5 and also 3^2...
[2 replies] Last: In C++, a^2 isn't a2, it's a XOR 2 *face palm* (by H00G0)
How do I stop a thread?
Basically I want to stop a thread so I can recreate with new information in mind. The purpose of the code is to allow the user to input time without pause an...
[8 replies] Last: But how would I know when to start it again when it exits? (by Monzaku)
Adding to maps by a function
Hi! I am trying to build a function that will add a new course to a map. My map is supposed to have strings as both key and value. It is going to connect a subj...
[3 replies] Last: theredp, Before I answer your question about messy output caused by y... (by mpark4656)
removing duplicates in array
I need help on finding what is wrong with my code. Our directions is to remove duplicates in an array. Our professor gave us a variety of examples to test our c...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks I got it to work! (by senkovlad16)
What is the best IDE for a beginner?
I downloaded and installed Visual Studio and was really overwhelmed. Looked to be too much for me at my stage... I was hoping to find a small simple IDE tha...
[7 replies] Last: Don't any other IDEs other than Visual Studio take care of the CMAKE f... (by Satan)
Values changed in previous arrays without intention
Dear My code is quite complex so it is not possible to put it here and explain every thing. Why generally the values in the some arrays get changed t...
[5 replies] Last: My code is quite complex so it is not possible to put it here and exp... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by Houd
Why a Valid System Call Won't In C++
Why system(R"(C:/VulkanSDK/Bin32/glslangValidator.exe -V G:/shaders/vertex.vert)"); will not work when called in a C++ program, while it works perfect...
[5 replies] Last: @Houd, try this: system(R"(C:\VulkanSDK\Bin32\glslangValidator.exe ... (by dutch)
How to count lines of cout? (1,2,3)
Hello. I want to count lines of matrix. Here is my code. #include "stdafx.h" #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <iterato...
[43 replies] Last: very nice work. A much better form than mine :( (by jonnin)
if statement/logical operators
Determine whether the user qualifies for discount movie tickets. Use the if-else structure to decide which of the following two messages to print: Congratulatio...
[4 replies] Last: char IS a number, but its not the number you thought it was. Its an i... (by jonnin)
digits are really problematic
How do you let the program know how many digits a given integer has?
[7 replies] Last: I could render the number on screen in a fixed-width font, measure its... (by Repeater)
"class" c++
Hello :) , I need help assigning numbers from txt to vector "vec" and passing it to class Triangle. numbers in txt: 5 5 5 #include <iostream> #include <fs...
[4 replies] Last: I figured it out :) Thank you for Helping me :) #include <iostream>... (by nick372060)
by yat89
Sum of 2d vector
Hi everyone. I'm a new to c++ programming. Given a task to calculate the total distance for each route. I had try to coded it but I had calculate the total dist...
[7 replies] Last: Hi mpark4656 , thanks a lot for your help and patience in teaching me... (by yat89)
What is wrong with the '}'?
What is wrong with my code. Do have a look :) #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a, b; cin>>a; cin>>b; ...
[7 replies] Last: If not the first 5 mins of this vid'll get you started: Only if yo... (by jlb)
How to view a specific lines of code from a text file
I asked a similar question like this before, but I had another idea in mind. Let's say I had a text file called "account.text" and it contained the following te...
[6 replies] Last: This is what I have so far (I deleted some parts (where there are "...... (by Rbuen4455)
February 2019 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 23
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