Beginners - February 2017 (Page 36)

Fibonacci Series
Okay, so for a project I'm doing, I'm supposed to print the nth term of the fibonacci series and the series up to that number depending on what they user inputs...
[2 replies] Last: I'm supposed to print the nth term of the fibonacci series You've al... (by integralfx)
What's My Range Again?
Receive an integer input from the user. If the original value is in the range 5 <= x <= 10 then subtract 5 from it and print it out. Otherwise, if the o...
[2 replies] Last: if (5 <= age && age <= 10) { age = age - 5; cout << age; } if (0 <= ... (by Hengry)
Fruit Inspector
The user will input a string representing a color (either "yellow" or "red"), followed by a second string representing a shape ("circular" or "oval"). If the...
[2 replies] Last: Hopefully this will help you start: (by mbozzi)
How would I get this to loop?
How would I get this program to loop, only when the user says exit. #include <iostream> using namespace std; //Function prototype. float FORLOOP(); floa...
[4 replies] Last: @cire thanks for teh website (by Flaze07)
find char function
Below is a simple find character in char array. It returns either the position value or -1 for not found. Was hoping a little feedback and how to make i...
[10 replies] Last: [quote=Mantorr22]This version works when both the strings have the sam... (by cire)
Tic Tac Toe Task
I'm writing a program that plays tic tac toe. However I am having some trouble with taking in position. I want it to ask for position again if the user inputs a...
[3 replies] Last: Use a dowhile loop ? (by Flaze07)
help with homework
I have to write a program that randomly generates a number from 1 to 10 and tells you to guess the number. when you guess it tells you if you're right or wrong ...
[5 replies] Last: When it tells you that cout was not declared, it is because cout is no... (by Optimistic Peach)
Nested if statement practice
Hey everyone I'm new around here, I am learning c++ (teaching myself) and I want to challenge myself with the nested if statements, they seem to be giving me th...
[2 replies] Last: Hey thanks for this :D, when I finish writing it I will post it back i... (by TheCorkster)
Question about the syntax of pointer to pointer.
cout << *p << "\n"; is this statement wrong? im trying to access the elements in the the array of DATA. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using name...
[1 reply] : The syntax is fine, but why not just use a vector<Data> instead of mak... (by dhayden)
Working with an empty vector.
So after creating an empty vector what is the correct process to add information to it. For example I have created two parallel vectors and the information insi...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, use push_back(). That adds the value to the end of the vector. O... (by dhayden)
by MrJ
How to determine if the Values is even or odd
Write a program that will ask the user to input an integer value. Your program should then determine if the integer value is an odd or even number. Depending o...
[15 replies] Last: MrJ, once you have the code working, reread the assignment and try to ... (by dhayden)
code doesnt work
whats up guys. im having a lot of problems with my project for my 202 class. its my first time programming in c++ and our teach decided to just throw us into it...
[4 replies] Last: oohhhh gotcha (by SeizeTheKarp)
Setter doesn't work
I am writting the Graduation program from Beginner Exercises and my setter doesn't work somehow. When I print the value in the setter it shows that it has inrem...
[4 replies] Last: Line 44: b is a copy. Any changes to b are lost on the next iteratio... (by AbstractionAnon)
Need some advice about an array.
I need some advice with implementing a second array in my program. What I have been asked to do is: Ask the customer to select products and quantities and save ...
[1 reply] : Line 68-95: What is the point of your Customer class? You don't use ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Getting a return value from function that has no parameters
I have the following function: content::mojom::CreateViewParamsPtr content::mojom::CreateViewParams::New() { CreateViewParamsPtr rv; mojo::internal::Str...
[1 reply] : content::mojom::CreateViewParamsPtr rv = content::mojom::CreateViewPa... (by Peter87)
by MrJ
Output Message Problem
this is an assignment i am currently having trouble with. I get no outputs after i enter the letter grade. I was wondering if any one could explain why there is...
[7 replies] Last: @MrJ BTW Instead of grade == 'F' || grade == 'f' etc if you add a l... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by sadboy
Arduino Using buttons to switch function
Hi! I'm new to Arduino and I'm trying to create a program that has function according to its LED So I have 2 buttons, 8 leds, 1 rgb. b1 is the function switche...
[1 reply] : There is enough complexity ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Correct program flow
Hello friends. Like a total newbie I am trying to understand C and more importantly program flow. So in order to understand the workings of some loops and...
[8 replies] Last: Hello JackTrades, Weather you define int choice{ 0 }; or int choic... (by Handy Andy)
Biggest remainder of numbers from 1 to n.
Hello! It's my first time posting on this forum. I have started programming in september, so I am a noob. My problem is : I have to make a program which will fi...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much. (by FraNNNkie)
c style strings and fstream
Hello! so for a project i am working on i have to ask users for the name of a txt file they wish to pull information from (a list of names) and pull information...
[5 replies] Last: void read_in(char (&tarray) ); void print_out(char (&carray) ); ... (by integralfx)
February 2017 Pages: 1... 34353637
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