by mookster66
No errors but code will not run
[1 reply] : interest = (*deposit) * (*intRate); //Line 6 double *intRate = 0; /... (by integralfx)
by CisntEZ
Functions not running/passing values in way intended
[3 replies] Last: Marking this as solved! void displayResults(int status, string phoneN... (by CisntEZ)
by Miles Hikari
Matrix addition not working
[3 replies] Last: I highly recommend you do 1 dimensional arrays for your matrix library... (by jonnin)
by Kourosh23
Function Overloading C++
[6 replies] Last: Awsome, thank you for your info and help. (by Kourosh23)
by Miraclefruit
Arrays small program
[15 replies] Last: It is not that hard though. doesn't matter whether it's hard or not,... (by gunnerfunner)
by Hayley777
Finding divisors of every number up to 100?
[3 replies] Last: Hengry, sorry I forgot to mention I'm doing all divisors excluding th... (by Hayley777)
by Twomanykillz
Trying to transfer this Psuedocode into actual code having a bit of trouble
[7 replies] Last: myGuess is declared but not initialized (line 6), so it's not 100% cer... (by gunnerfunner)
by sbabadag
Can you help? Problem about virtual function
[5 replies] Last: Another link to the rule of 3/5/0 : (by TheIdeasMan)
by tieuholy
15 puzzles code not working properly
[3 replies] Last: Compilation warnings, as per 96:38: warning: unused paramete... (by TheIdeasMan)
by sesslit805
function header help??!?!?!?!?
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys I got it to output : 5 6 12 87 100 28 35 66 77 29 5 6 1... (by sesslit805)
Setting up a class plan for MineSweeper? |
[1 reply] : I played minesweeper game before and I don't think this is actually a ... (by Yatora)
by arwibrde
How to pass a dat file to a function?
[2 replies] Last: You could use this to partially solve your problem. #include <iostre... (by Mantorr22)
by sesslit805
vectors to functions, bool key search help!!!
[2 replies] Last: The following code solves your assignment. It might be fairly easy if ... (by Mantorr22)
by rfitz123
Appending pieces of a string results in a blank one
[3 replies] Last: And to fix that, would i specify cmpr in the codeDown prototype? You... (by cire)
by gameguy8888
What's the advantage of using a Return function than a void funtion?
[1 reply] : math :) if you think of functions in math, y = f(x) type... then t... (by jonnin)
rerun the while loop for different set of data |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Chervil. It worked. (by nabin poudyal3)
by pumzye
Program Terminating unexpectedly
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Joe its running now after initialising it. (by pumzye)
by astivers1503
Infinite Do / While loop, help!
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help everyone, I ended up using a break statement after... (by astivers1503)
by volTron
Passing int's and a char in a function
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot for the quick reply and the info! (by volTron)
by FastBanana
Checking input type by user
[3 replies] Last: Hello FastBanana, The problem you are having is because you redefined... (by Handy Andy)