by BlueOctopus
Error EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0)
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for the replies. As Peter said the problem was here: nmon... (by BlueOctopus)
by Trondyne
function parameter issue?
[6 replies] Last: Thanks very much for the help. I'll be working on wrapping my brain a... (by Trondyne)
by longberns
Classes, overloading >> to read object from file
[3 replies] Last: SOLVED! I figured out what i was missing. istream &operator>> (ist... (by longberns)
by Kourosh23
Range based for loop and arrays - Bug!
[3 replies] Last: > is there any way to fix the bug with the range based for loop ? The... (by JLBorges)
by rgibbs
cin stream not closing????
[16 replies] Last: yea thats exactly what i was getting confused on ,, (by rgibbs)
look for specific letters in a string |
[9 replies] Last: Using std::regex #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <re... (by JLBorges)
by dominover
Advancing a C-string
[4 replies] Last: Precedence! Forgot about this.. Thanks for that.. I completely unders... (by dominover)
by Miles Hikari
Why do I keep getting a core dump
[4 replies] Last: I figured it out, basic mistake. I was calling on location (1,1) in a ... (by Miles Hikari)
by sesslit805
vector<string> with commands c++
[3 replies] Last: OP: don't start multiple threads on the same topic, how do you think i... (by gunnerfunner)
by Kourosh23
classes and constructor using strings C++
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Kourosh23]Inside the function get_result, you can create anothe... (by Cubbi)
by mmoreno33
Help with my three digit sums and products code.
[6 replies] Last: that did it! thank you! (by mmoreno33)
by j church
wages with overtime_pay and triple_pay
[1 reply] : if ( hours > 40 ) regularpay = 40 * payrate; else regularpay ... (by cire)
by twownage15
displaying data in linked list
[1 reply] : For that you'd have to sort the list first. Assuming yours is a single... (by gunnerfunner)
by turtleman1
Command line tests. How to satisfy tests in one line.
[9 replies] Last: As JLBorges mentions above: Command line arguments are strings in t... (by gunnerfunner)
by nfnicolas
The initialization vector with multiple data types or object classes
[1 reply] : 1. define the overloaded ctor: Book (const string& autor, const strin... (by gunnerfunner)
by toklo
Decimal to Hexidecimal
[6 replies] Last: I can only use the libraries listed in the code. Here. While this ... (by mbozzi)
by PirateCat
Finding out if a number is an achilles number
[1 reply] : is_powerful() is completely wrong. It returns true if there's any nu... (by helios)
by mastakhan
Program displaying unexpected total of 1
[2 replies] Last: AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH What I really meant to do was determine it if equ... (by mastakhan)
by youseefm
command line arguments
[1 reply] : # include <iostream> # include <cstring> int main(int argc, char** a... (by mbozzi)
Header Documentation? |
[1 reply] : Is your question about actually typing the flower box or the contents ... (by mbozzi)