Beginners - February 2017 (Page 24)

Program Not Reading Function Declaration
Hi, I'm writing a program for class that requires the use of two .cpps and two .h files. I can get the main file (main.cpp) to read the function declaration hea...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Pratzelwurm)
how do you pass an array to main from a function?
Hello so i am having a problem making an array with in a function and it is causing my computer program to crash. the function i am having a problem with is the...
[5 replies] Last: Duplicate post: (by integralfx)
Average and median giving ridiculous answers
(all information given is biased off the input of 5 students and each student watching 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectfully) hello i am just starting c++ and am having...
[4 replies] Last: Duplicate post: (by integralfx)
Process name from ID?
I'm trying to get a process name from (what i think) is the PID i get HWND Tabbed = GetForegroundWindow(); printf("Open Window!: %d", Tabbed); The code...
[1 reply] : To get the PID from a HWND use GetWindowThreadProcessId. https://msdn.... (by integralfx)
latest compiler version
Having trouble finding the latest version. when i download what looks like the final and try to compile i get "If you get an error on the type of x ..." usin...
[no replies]
Linking lib
Hi, I want to link libraries to the code by code, it's strange but iot's a posibility to link through code?
[1 reply] : You can dynamically link libraries if they are DLLs. The mechanism fo... (by AbstractionAnon)
getline error: function not found
I'm trying to get this data from a text file and it's giving me a weird errer where it's telling me it can't find a function called gerline. I don't know what's...
[1 reply] : Two problems with your code: 1) With this form of getline, getline e... (by AbstractionAnon)
change an element of an object
I am trying to complete the zombie rabbit program I found in one of the forums here as a practice problem. I have created a class that has functions that set na...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the response. There are some parts of your code I'm not ... (by laley31)
I get error whats wrong?
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cstdio> #include "GL\arcball.h" #include "GL\GL.H" #include "GL\GLU.H" #include "GL\glut.h" #ifndef M...
[2 replies] Last: Please post the full text of the "unresolved external" message. PLEAS... (by AbstractionAnon)
finding product
hi! i wanna find the product of all inputs that user enter and also user determine the length of an array when the array size is 1000 the final product for e...
[3 replies] Last: i can't use double it should be just int and it doesn't accept 0 beca... (by melinda345)
Installing SDL2 image
Hello all. I've been stuck with this a while hope somebody can help.I'm using orwell devc++ and mingw btw. So I've installed SDL2 a while back version 2....
[2 replies] Last: Yes I have: -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 but I'm not sure how to upd... (by closed account N8RzwA7f)
calculate area of a circle not working (FIXED)
I'm writing a function to calculate the area of a circle and I can't seem to get it to work. Does anyone know what's wrong? EDIT: NEVERMIND I got it, there...
[1 reply] : Since you never change the value of flag , you could replace line 17 ... (by dhayden)
divisors count
hi there! i don't know where i did wrong in my code i wanna count the numbers between l and r which (both inclusive) are divisible by k for this input...
[10 replies] Last: (dhayden)Are you sure you typed it in right? yes i'm sure for (in... (by melinda345)
learing prime numbers with loop/recursion
Hi programmers! I want to write in c++ please,help me to solve this problem Problem: Raja Beta is bad at maths, his teacher always complaints about him.Help...
[6 replies] Last: ...why don't you post your code... before asking for help (by Flaze07)
by rantiv
Game simulation
[1 reply] : Is your question still open? You could: 1) semplify your code by: a) o... (by Enoizat)
reading a file with name + phone number
Write your question here. So, i got the name to come out but im having problem with phone number to display! for example: in the file i have......i tried add i...
[3 replies] Last: This is a pretty popular assignment did you try searching?- http://www... (by megatron 0)
I need to define a function is_even that takes an integer argument x and returns the bool value true when x is even and false otherwise. I don't need cout in my...
[3 replies] Last: Pay attention to the details: // this is a declaration: int is_even (... (by keskiverto)
by xx123
inputs and loop
I am trying to write a program that asks the user to input 8 types of vehicles then output the 8 vehicles. But I need to do it in a loop. Can anyone tell me why...
[5 replies] Last: You're mixing unformatted input ( getline(cin, theVehicle); ) with for... (by integralfx)
by adi94
char pointer vs int pointers
Hey, I have a problem with 'int pointers' vs 'char pointers'. Let's see a simple exemple: char* x = "test"; //ok int* a = 12;// not ok In the "...
[2 replies] Last: Very nice, i understand the problem. Thank you very much @Peter87. (by adi94)
Initializing arrays in constructors
I have two constructors: an explicit default ctor and a value ctor that will be used to create a histogram. Whenever I try to compile my value ctor -- specific...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for pointing out, fixed it. (by Golden Lizard)
February 2017 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 37
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