Beginners - February 2017 (Page 23)

Errors problem?
Hello there, right down i have some errors and i dont know how to fix them, please help me with an resolvation!, also, there's any site like a database of error...
[2 replies] Last: +keskiverto LOL, i wasnt saw that! i was checking that 2 times! LOL! I... (by CosminPerRam)
STL list inside of stack
So here is my problem Write a stack class using two STL lists. Naturally, a single STL list is more than enough to represent a stack. This is my code so far....
[6 replies] Last: Cool, you don't have to. thanks (by doctterdre)
hiya, how do I move an array's element up one value, like array = array array = array array = array etc..
[4 replies] Last: memmove function can do this better and faster. Ive used it to make... (by jonnin)
by Fazy
Shrink Image
Hi I am not able to shrink the image. Here's the code. Kindly help me to shrink it. for( row=0; row<numRow / 2; row++) { for(c...
[8 replies] Last: You want a "2->1 shrink". Four pixels (a 2*2 square) in old image is ... (by keskiverto)
Construct a map<int, list<int>> out of an array
Hi, here is the problem: suppose I have an array, say A =(1,4,7,3,3,5). Now I want to construct a map m, which does the following job: 1) sort the array (...
[5 replies] Last: const T(&array) The type const T(&) is 'reference to array ... (by JLBorges)
What does exactly a double while loop do??
I have a question that puzzles me. I think I understand the while loop on a single variable, but I am confused by while loops having two conditions like in this...
[7 replies] Last: sequentially as I believed, which is something that only the for loop... (by dhayden)
Hello everyone! I have a big big big trouble regarding the program below. This is supposed to be implementation of the "longest common subsequent" in dynamic pr...
[2 replies] Last: It's fine now, i figured it out. And no offense, but "{}" is optional ... (by Yoooooo)
Why I cannot access C++ 11?
Hi, I am trying to include some utility from what I understand is the C++ 11 addition to C++. Specifically, I wrote the following, where I ask to include <tupl...
[3 replies] Last: how to do this in Code::Blocks Settings -> Complier Settings -> Othe... (by gunnerfunner)
Personal Contribution : Game of Life
This is the simplest example how a Game of Life can be implemented. The game features three set of cells that continue to move until they are out of screen. ht...
[1 reply] : With little bit modification, it is even possible to recreate the samp... (by Mantorr22)
Challenging problem - found an idea but don't know how to code
I am now trying to address the following nice problem: Integer V lies strictly between integers U and W if U < V < W or if U > V > W. A non-empty zero-index...
[3 replies] Last: > the corresponding key values are now (0,3,4,1,5,2) so that I immedia... (by ne555)
So I work these days with sdl, and I wanted to make a little easy my work, so I started to make with class. The real problem showed up when I declared window ...
[3 replies] Last: Can someone say me what just happend? I moved "#include "Display.h" u... (by DirtyBlasion)
Question about bool
Hello, I have a quick question about the bool from an example code in a book about c++ that i'm reading. Here, the bool is set as 'done = false', however in t...
[1 reply] : Here, the bool is set as 'done = false', however in the while statem... (by integralfx)
Day of the week project help
I used the code below from one I found online. The instructions are to write a program that computes the day of the week for any date entered by the user by usi...
[1 reply] : k = year % 7 is what I see online for another go at it. (by jonnin)
Need help finding the fix for small errors
I just have a few errors with my program that I can't seem to fix. Please help me! I am compiling with unix as well. Errors: ...
[8 replies] Last: number isn't declared in main. numbers is. so either you are trying... (by jonnin)
istream object a get() delimiter.
Hey all! I'm trying to write a program that will read in the file one char at a time and take an action based on the info. How you use the delimiter argument of...
[18 replies] Last: Fair enough, Thank a lot for your help friend! (by astivers1503)
Advantage of having compiler do calculations
If the compiler isn't doing calculations, what is? And what is the advantage of having the compiler do calculations?
[6 replies] Last: Okay cool, thanks for the help! (by zachdr1)
Injecting/Sending Input directly to a program?
Currently i am trying to make a bot that automates a process for a game (it's a grindy mod so i have a bot go through the whole story and gain all the loots etc...
[no replies]
QuickSort Debug Help
There is something wrong with the code. If anyone can spot it, that would save me from going to mental asylum. Thank You. #include <iostream> #include <cstd...
[2 replies] Last: Finally found it!. Its at line 18. It should have been: size_t right_... (by sadij97)
What is the simplest way to use C++ random library? (1,2)
I don't get it when people have to use very long statements to use C++ random library. How do you even remember statements like : std::size_t seed = std::c...
[23 replies] Last: [quote=Cubbi]To me as a user, though, unacceptable quality of implemen... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Read Word From File Then Append to *char[] Does Not Do as Expected--Help!
*message.txt Tree for me *I'm able to read each word from a file with char word ; *Then I'm trying to put each word into char *words ; *Problem is e...
[3 replies] Last: jlb has got it! (by angelito1)
February 2017 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 37
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