by MisterTams
Why am I getting error LINK2019 and LINK1120?
[4 replies] Last: cire, Thanks. I missed that when I was checking. Thanks again, Mist... (by MisterTams)
by Peanut373
Reading Input File
[4 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Peanut373
Read Source/Destination City Pairs from File
[3 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by esokoletsky
Iteration: for loops
[3 replies] Last: (by ar2007)
by kingkush
Is there an easier way to instantiate many objects?
[no replies]
by juskar
Print 3D Array Horizontally
[5 replies] Last: BTW I realized I was very redundant and shortened the code. NO - t... (by lastchance)
by melinda345
output problem
[6 replies] Last: Hi, melinda345. Could you please help me to understand what you are tr... (by Enoizat)
by Raul4pk
Remember account
[1 reply] : Have you looked into how to read/write a file? Look into using ifstrea... (by newbieg)
Sum of digits in a string |
[8 replies] Last: #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <numeric> // invaria... (by JLBorges)
by FrisKeeyes
Sort words lexicographically
[no replies]
by Ripper53
A bug I cannot fix. Input value differs from output value. Please help!
[4 replies] Last: [quote=Ripper53] And I used count += 1 out of habit. I see...... (by Flaze07)
by friendly98
Find same Words
[1 reply] : Use std::map to map each word to the number of times that it occurs ht... (by dhayden)
by jamesfarrow
char and pointers
[6 replies] Last: right! (by jonnin)
by VX0726
Text File Parsing
[18 replies] Last: check to see that score is populated with the values you expect. Sort... (by jonnin)
by r 4 raja
Please explain this program.
[2 replies] Last: Dear Keskiverto Kindly explain two questions only.. (by r 4 raja)
by Kourosh23
Area and volume of rectangle using classes C++
[3 replies] Last: other use; use.set_width( 5.0 ); use.set_length( 10.0 ); double save_... (by keskiverto)
by Claudius7
How to extract pairs from a collection of vectors?
[3 replies] Last: I have only one question: since I am new to C++ and don't yet have s... (by integralfx)
by mitty
function called from class::member fucntion
[5 replies] Last: I want to put array to two variable [food and drink] and array to ... (by integralfx)
by ejkang62
String Subscript Out of Range Error... Please help me
[5 replies] Last: ...and another, I'm afraid... after if( (plusminus=s.find_first_of("+... (by Enoizat)
by ludachris
if statements execute all outputs and not just one
[1 reply] : Assignment operator: = Equality comparison: == ... (by keskiverto)