Beginners - February 2017 (Page 16)

by juskar
Printing the largest 3 and smallest 3 values of 3D array
I just posted around an hour ago for help with the orientation of my array, but now I need some suggestions/help trying to figure out how to print the 3 smalles...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <random> #include <vector> #include <ch... (by gunnerfunner)
Array Functions
So I tackled this project yesterday, finding the max/min/average of an array using functions all outside of the main function, but my values are not coming up c...
[3 replies] Last: avg of all those arrays is > 1. its @ 40 for ford and Honda approximat... (by jonnin)
by xx123
Constructor and parameters pls help (1,2)
okay so my professor wanted me to include a constructor in my dealership class.. However, I am not clear on this parameter. I have my header file and cpp file w...
[23 replies] Last: Also note that you setter and multi-argument constructor. Should prob... (by jlb)
by Ishak
Simple if/else if/else statement not working
For some reason, the output is always "You answered 1. You will now die." No matter what you input, it always gives the same answer? Thanks! #include ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! It worked flawlessly. (by Ishak)
prime numberes by using recusion function
I Write program print prime number between tow number but I have problem when I run it please help me #include<iostream> using namespace std; void pr...
[2 replies] Last: triple post.. (by ar2007)
prime numberes by using recusion function
I Write program print prime number between tow number but I have problem when I run it please help me #include<iostream> using namespace std; void pr...
[3 replies] Last: btw triple post.. (by ar2007)
Hi, i found this source on line, when i try to do a test it not working, please how can i do it #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorith...
[1 reply] : Figure out who wrote it and ask them what are the requirements. I'm g... (by SamuelAdams)
by TerraM
Updating and saving selected seats to a file
Very new to programming and extremely new with file input output. Was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a movie theater chart. What I'm trying to do is...
[no replies]
Single Link List
Need Help with single link list , i know that in link list there is node who is pointing to the data and address to another node but i am having hard time creat...
[2 replies] Last: thnx (by bird1234)
coin toss simulation
Hi everybody: I did this program simulating a coin toss //coin toss simulation #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using std::cout; int main()...
[12 replies] Last: May be I shoould change compiler Thanks a lot jamesfarrow, Abstractio... (by mabauti)
by cemges
Need help getting text from file
So you will probably find my code cringy. I think I can't open the file to begin with. Using VC++ 2012, Windows 10. Currently getting vector subscript out of ra...
[5 replies] Last: If I use the while(stream >>var) then this already does the job ... (by cemges)
by JJpit
Trouble with sorting loop, all zeros
i have this program that i was given the majority of the code and tasked with finding the batting avg of the players and displaying who has the highest batting ...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you for you help that helped explain it to me and fixed my probl... (by JJpit)
calculator with while loop
Hey guys, I'm programming a calculator in my c++ class and the assignment is as follows: Write a program, which will act as a simple four-function calculator. T...
[2 replies] Last: As Handy Andy pointed out, you are not actually doing any calculatio... (by AbstractionAnon)
How to search two vectors to find a common object?
I have two vectors but and i want to search both vectors to make sure there are no duplicate items in the vectors. Do i do this the same way i would search a 2d...
[7 replies] Last: It sounds like i may need a set if they can be used as vectors. Let ... (by kingkush)
by rrush1
Counting the amound of strings with s while loop.
I am finisihing up a code I have to write where it takes data from a txt file, albums, band names, and price of the album. Formats them to display in the consol...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry meant to get back you didn't have enough time to try this and ha... (by rrush1)
c++ How to dynamically increase the size of an array within a overload function of a class ?
I'm having a lot of troubles with this. I'm trying to overload ++(postfix) to increase the size of a dynamic array. I make a new dynamic array with the origina...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! That helped. (by PolloLoco4645)
writing a stack with an array of static or dynamic
I can write either static or dynamic; my choice. This is to have an upper limit, of apparently my choosing, on the maximum size the stack can have. I need to ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you very much! (by Harryguy)
Return blank data to neighboring field?
We have a new software at work and I am trying to define certain parameters of the appearance. What I would like to do is if (s5) below returns the desired cod...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry for the confusion. This is actually C# not C++ for anyone that ... (by L Wesley)
Help with code
I'm trying to figure out about how in my generate functions, I can randomly place a 'P' character and a 'G' character. But I don't understand how to change what...
[1 reply] : You could try something like this (please, consider it merely a hint, ... (by Enoizat)
Random Choosing
Hello!!!!! I am new to C++ and to programing in general, I would really appreciate it if you guys can help me with creating a tiny simple program: I want to...
[5 replies] Last: but i didnt find the vector container class for a rough and ready i... (by gunnerfunner)
February 2017 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 37
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