by F95
C++ Switch Statements/Loop help
[1 reply] : The do ... while loop does not belong within the getFlight() function.... (by coder777)
by jaitoine
c-string Palindrome using a do-while loop
[1 reply] : What you need is another variable like Line . Before the if you c... (by coder777)
Programming Project Help |
[4 replies] Last: Hello StrikingSparrow, You may want to read this: http://www.cpluspl... (by Handy Andy)
by MisterTams
How to read String, Int, and Floats from the same line in a File?
[2 replies] Last: Mantorr22, I tried something kind of similar to that earlier and it d... (by MisterTams)
by Frenzy
Algorithim help. Struct in Dbl. Linked List
[1 reply] : Double post waste everyone's time. (by SamuelAdams)
by newyork23
question (simple program)
[2 replies] Last: You are missing somet... (by Hengry)
by Potion
For loop not looping?
[2 replies] Last: Thank-you very much! I hadn't known that was incorrect until now! (by Potion)
by xburdg
While statement problems
[1 reply] : while (answer == 'y', 'Y') should be while (answer == 'y' || answer... (by Peter87)
by ghostk91
Input validation and Logical OR
[4 replies] Last: Yeah, I just edited my post before I saw yours after basically figurin... (by ghostk91)
by kingkush
Creating Poker Hands and comparing them
[no replies]
by newyork23
[1 reply] : Would I need to include another statement? You certainly need to re... (by lastchance)
by wasey
Trouble with a Nested Loop in a Vector
[3 replies] Last: Change values to vector<int> values . I also thought that I was sto... (by dhayden)
by llSPEEDll
Percent acting funny
[6 replies] Last: These variables are not initialised , they contain garbage. pointsr... (by Chervil)
by n0rmal
help a newcomer
[3 replies] Last: I have fixed my issue. Just realized i spelld' "court" and not "cout" ... (by n0rmal)
by parkhill
Create a templated linked list of an abstract class
[2 replies] Last: I am trying to implement a linked list of a base class that would be ... (by gunnerfunner)
by Shishykish
How can I remove spaces after an integer confirmation of a string evaluated by a function?
[8 replies] Last: Hi Bdanielz, That's great. But I haven't started on pointers etc yet... (by Shishykish)
by teopeishen
how to return to previous step
[4 replies] Last: Lines [45, 49] can be removed completely. Line 9 declares an unused fu... (by mbozzi)
by teopeishen
undefined reference to `WinMain'
[3 replies] Last: ya rite. Thnx for help (by teopeishen)
by hockey34
Learning Pointers
[8 replies] Last: @Sanboro If you have a need to continue to use using namespace std; ... (by Pattako)
by mannedmoney
In need of help with basic functions for finding the area of a circle
[3 replies] Last: Rather than having free-floating functions in the global namespace it ... (by dangrr888)