Beginners - February 2015 (Page 47)

by markr
how to fix this CString not working
I have a form with a label. I use the openfile dialog to get a filename and save it to the labeltext. I then need to get the label text and build a new fil...
[4 replies] Last: This version is using Visual Studio Express 2010 - the C++ from it. ... (by mutexe)
Code to check if characters on string are alphabetic
I need to write a program that will tell me if all the characters in a string are alphabetic or not with a return bool giving me "true" if they are alphabetic a...
[10 replies] Last: I think I got it now. Thanks for the help! (by CNerd2121)
Pointer algebra: pointer to an array
Hi, I always get confused with pointer to an array. So, I made some examples showing my confusion. I would appreciate if someone could answer those. I have m...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, MiiNiPaa. (by dkumar3)
Help sending size of a string into a file
Hey everyone, I cant figure out how to do this, i dont know the name in english for this technique but basically i just get the size of a char, store into an in...
[3 replies] Last: @ne555 no I didn't. The thing is that I dunno how to do what I need, I... (by dualdark)
pointer to pointer
Hello forum, I am going through a functional snippet of code that demonstrates the idea of pointer to pointer. Check the following snippet: class A{ ...
[2 replies] Last: What may (or may not) clarify is type alias : using Column = int *; ... (by keskiverto)
combining c-strings and outputting the final result
Hi there guys im trying to combine the first,last and middle names so that they are organized as follows lastname,',' ' ' firstname, middle name (quotes are t...
[3 replies] Last: example by looping #include <iostream> #include <cstring> int main()... (by anup30)
Running a program in Dev C++
Okay, this is my first time using this program and I have having a lot of issues with it. My main problem is that I always used jGRASP until I started taking my...
[4 replies] Last: why not use mvs? (by xenovia12)
by AVM8
How to be good in coding and good in c++?
[6 replies] Last: EssGeEich thank you my friend. (by AVM8)
by AVM8
footballer 1
Write THREE (3) classes in a file named classA.h, where class footballer functions as a base class, while class divisionOne and class divisionTwo function as ...
[5 replies] Last: There are 3 tables given. We must construct a header file named hidden... (by AVM8)
by lew13
Dynamic Arrays help please
So I am writing a program for class and the program takes a number of random ordered pairs then calculates the length of the array by adding the abscissa of eac...
[9 replies] Last: fun2code - I didn't need to save them to charArray just print them, if... (by lew13)
by kiri
iomanip fixed and right define.. Cant find!!
How do I find what exactly this is? I looked under iomanip and did not see anything about fixed and or right ( am I completely lost lol? )
[2 replies] Last: Thank you (by kiri)
Problem with string erase method
I threw together a quick little program just to test/improve something I am currently working on. What this is suppose to do, when a user enters a phone number...
[7 replies] Last: #include <string> #include <cctype> std::string filter( std::string ... (by JLBorges)
by jjj
age calculator
hi i am new to programming ans i need help with this question can someone please help me out Ernie and Bert are arguing about which of them is older, and the...
[2 replies] Last: Look at the sample input. Your program should follow this form exactly... (by dhayden)
help with problem from class
Can someone please help? I don't know what I'm missing. Everything seems to run correctly but it gives me the product of 0 for each division. The problem is: 1...
[1 reply] : Nevermind, I'm a dummy. I figured it out. (by josmobn)
Instructors code is wrong?
I'm almost certain that you can't have a member function inside of class Circle that returns Circle.... Am I right? // CIS 235 Lab 1 - defining...
[1 reply] : You are wrong. It's perfectly okay to have a member function that retu... (by dhayden)
by shola
Infinite Loop problem. Help me!
I am trying to write a code which will have an array of 2 elements. A user enters initial values for array elements, N (Initial values are same) and enters prob...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! I'll polish my code:) (by shola)
by sam89m
HELP! How to use a loop to ask for 5 grades?
I am only one week into programming, and I am wondering how I can turn the test scores into a for loop (instead of asking 5 times)? #include <iostream> #i...
[3 replies] Last: #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <vector> using na... (by Zaita)
Re-running a Program
Hi guys, I am trying to write a program that calculates force and gives the user an option to rerun the program. The code I wrote seems to skip asking the user ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by g0d1msh0rt)
by Nanyo
hello does anyone know what the error on line 29 is? #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <conio.h> ...
[1 reply] : does anyone know what the error on line 29 is? Your compiler does not... (by MiiNiPaa)
Function not being called from my main function (1,2)
Hi all, I'm writing a function getInt, which takes in an integer as an argument and prompts the user for input. If the user does not enter an integer, the ge...
[22 replies] Last: Alright. I got everything to work. Thank you everyone for the help! (by Garfungle)
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