Beginners - February 2015 (Page 44)

by kiri
Can anyone point me in the right direction to help me figure this out more/understand it. I am trying to figure out to do this (the answer is given so I am not ...
[6 replies] Last: I think I got this one down. Thanks a lot! (by kiri)
by kiri
Does spacing matter on switch statements ie
just some bs code but follow me..Does a space after case matter or not? char whatever; cout <<"Whatever here"; cin something; switch (something) { case 'A':...
[6 replies] Last: Yea thats how I wanted it. For example, if you were entering Gradees W... (by kiri)
Help with bubble sort & binary search program
I've looked up the algorithms and what I have should work if im reading it right but i am getting some weird numbers in my output and it is not always be sorted...
[2 replies] Last: Wow i cant believe ive been trying that for like 3 hours. It works but... (by sumtingwong59)
Structures, Vectors, Members oh my (STUCK)
I understand completely the idea of the Struct and Vector but when I put two and two together it always screws me over. In this first portion of code, I want t...
[4 replies] Last: > it's giving me the error saying that "myCollection" wasn't declared ... (by JLBorges)
by kiri
Reviewing for my midterm and dont remember this..
Please help me :-D Given the below values and having formulas, what will be the values after execution double x=48.967, y=4.5, z=3.7; int m=4, n=11, p=1...
[6 replies] Last: :-D Thanks (by kiri)
by AVM8
How to capture user input and store
Capture the user input of number of footballers in variable n. Use a for() loop with variable i as the counter to capture information for each staff. In each lo...
[8 replies] Last: Disch After a some revision from google source, i finally manage to... (by AVM8)
by AVM8
i get Error 1 error C4700: uninitialized local variable 'goals' used #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include "PR.h" us...
[3 replies] Last: AbstractionAnon correction has been made. Thank you my friend. ... (by AVM8)
by gmac
m1 X m2
multiplies two matrices (M1 × M2) of integers using pointers and dynamic arrays (you are not allowed to use the vector class). At the command line, require fou...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, Im closer now. (by gmac)
Need help with loops
Cant get my program to loop correctly and i just cant figure it out. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void avgTwoNumbers(double M...
[2 replies] Last: - Use do-while loops - Have the functions return values. - Make sure y... (by dhayden)
by kiri
How do u get this?? I dont understand the % part
I dont understand how u get that with the %... What type of statement is this? for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) cout<<i<<14%i; Answer: 102032...
[2 replies] Last: I figured it out before u answered, omg was it easy lol. Thank u thoug... (by kiri)
OS X Initialize OpenGL
Hello, I've converted from DirectX 11 to OpenGL 4.x on OS X. Is there a way to initialize OpenGL without GLUT or without some other toolkit? I would like to ...
[no replies]
I need Help! I need a quick peer review!
I am currently in a beginners C++ course at my collage. It's an online class and one of the requirements is to have your code peer reviewed (some quick comment ...
[1 reply] : Recursively calling main is not legal behavior by the standard. If you... (by Ganado)
subtracting binary numbers
Hello! i need help with my program. im trying to write a function that takes in 2 binary numbers and subtracts using the carry method. below is what i have so f...
[6 replies] Last: IMO, the way you are trying will be difficult for you! it will be litt... (by anup30)
How do I call a function in main ?
So I have the function declaration at the top for example void read (string x , string y , int z ); then I have the function definition at the bott...
[6 replies] Last: Hm it still doesn't work i tried to do it this way read(name1, name2... (by agamatr)
Elevator program errors
Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Trying to write an elevator program that allows the user to display floor and move it up and down. Getting these errors '...
[4 replies] Last: Line 31: As previously mentioned, you need a ; Line 44: Also as pr... (by AbstractionAnon)
passing a const
i need help on how to pass a const int in a non member function? imaginary header file: #pragma once #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Imagi...
[1 reply] : Not enough information. You haven't show us complex.h nor the declara... (by AbstractionAnon)
I can't find the logic or it's just not possible?
Hello guys, this is my second post. I have a question about While-Loop with only ONE variable. Look at this code and run it if you want: #include <iostream> ...
[8 replies] Last: Rules? 1) Use one variable only. 2) Use a while loop. 3) Must use ++n.... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
OO programming?
Hello Forum! I've decided to learn c++. I already know other languages like Java and C#. It's easy to program object orientated with them. C++ seems harder....
[2 replies] Last: World.h : #ifndef __WORLD_H__ #define __WORLD_H__ class Player; #in... (by stulleman)
Calculate Actual date
Hi Experts, I want to calculate date from day of the year and year. In oracle to_date function does this . Would appreciate if you can let me know how to ...
[5 replies] Last: You could use sprintf() to put the final string into a buffer and then... (by dhayden)
by Fedeb
Pointer to an Array Versus an Array of Pointers
Hi, my question is basically the title of the topic. I know that an array of pointers uses scatter chunks of free memory while a pointer to an array uses a stac...
[1 reply] : I'm sure that's not your real question, as these are 2 completely diff... (by tipaye)
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