Beginners - February 2015 (Page 42)

by Nanyo
game rougelike
Hi I am trying to do a rogue like game but it's not working(as I expect it work) The problem is when I want to move my avatar (the '@')it just doesn't do what ...
[no replies]
Output text C++
My problem is that I can not manege to create a program that can output text to the .txt file. I don't want a static text, but a text that I can change every ti...
[no replies]
Class .h .cpp undefined reference understanding problem
Hi I'm learning cpp by myself and get stuck on classes. I have read some stuff on this forum and my cpp book, but still didn't figure out where is the proble...
[7 replies] Last: wow, thats really embarrassing. problem solved, thanks guys :) (by foxxiak)
Is this what I should have done? (Cipher program)
Hello, I have written a program for a Random Cipher. Here is the description: The program generates a cipher by replacing each Latin letter in the alphabet ...
[7 replies] Last: By the way, your code to shuffle the strings is wrong. Rather than swa... (by dhayden)
Is there a package of standard .h files?
I switched to LinuxMint recently and I realized it has GCC already installed. So I decided to brake it in and realize it has no stdio.h. I add that and now it n...
[3 replies] Last: No it's not standard. The name suggests it's only available on the Min... (by Peter87)
Differentiating istream from ifstream parameter
The cin object is an instance of istream , but not ifstream . But istream cannot use the function open to read from files. That means if I want to make a ...
[3 replies] Last: Yes. (by keskiverto)
Variable question (Do not really know how to call this problem)
For example, into "cin" I enter number 2. And then it shows me this Opinion 1 Opinion 2 When I enter 4 it gives me 4 readings Opinion 1 Opinion 2 Op...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> int main() { unsigned numOpinions; std:... (by booradley60)
Removing comments and whitespace from LOC Counter
I have an assignment for my Software Engineering class and I've almost got it working except for a stupid flaw in my code that I can't find. I'm supposed to...
[1 reply] : Perhaps you should read up on the find method of std::string . Hin... (by cire)
Releted to Matrix
i have a 10x10 matrix with integer elements ranging between 0 to 4. i want to make a vector of dimension 5 which contain the elements 0 to 4 together with the...
[no replies]
Need help with reading a txt file that has commas
so the txt file has numbers 90, 80, 20, 45, 18, if the numbers didnt have commas in between my program could read it fine, but if i didnt remove the commas a...
[2 replies] Last: it works now, thanks man! (by coolguy123)
reading txt file into vector
Hello. I have to read an unknown amount of integers, which are separated by commas (which is my problem here) into a vector. If there are no commas, I can do th...
[2 replies] Last: jlb, you're a lifesaver! (by TonyEdwardStark)
Homework help
So I am not asking for you to code for me, I understanding C++ very well. I am asking if anyone can decipher what exactly my instructor is asking for? Because I...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry. I thought I explained that. From my last post: Use &theAns as ... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
program doesnt increment right
so there is suppose to be a constant that shows the total number of values to be shown in this range. The user enters two values, lets say userMin is -2 and use...
[5 replies] Last: wow thanks , we must have commented at the same time so i didnt see yo... (by LATCH100)
Symbol not found Error
Being a beginner in c++ coming from a java background , I find the inheritance in c++ a bit confusing to implement. I looked up at tutorials but none seemed ...
[5 replies] Last: //i just changed void checkTime() to void AlarmClock::checkTime(... (by rafae11)
Day of Week Program
I need to write a program that tells the day of the week, month, day, year, and whether it is a leap year or not from a input of MM DD YYYY form. I'm new to pro...
[3 replies] Last: That leap year algorithm is not correct. if (year % 400 == 0) return ... (by booradley60)
c++ char array
Need help with my code. please! #include <iostream> using namespace std; void displayTheUnion (char a , char b , char u, char i){ //this will display ...
[2 replies] Last: You will find your code much easier to read and handle if you indent i... (by dhayden)
by VVS
use of undeclared identifier 'pow'
i'm just doing practice problems in the book and i typed this code and tried to run it but it said semantic issue because of use of undeclared identifier 'pow' ...
[2 replies] Last: you need to include the math header from c. In C++ it is in <cmath> (... (by TheToaster)
HELP IN UPDATING TO C++14 Standard!!!
Hi! I recently tried to update my Code::Blocks compiler to the C++14 standard. I was following this video tutorial:
[17 replies] Last: Thanks to everyone that helped me on this thread! I appreciate it! The... (by TheToaster)
comparing strings
Why is this true? z comes after a in alphabet and also if its being compared by size the 1st string is bigger that way also bool c = "zfff"<"af"; ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot for answer :) That was supposed to be c++ code. It was fr... (by etrusks)
Help with passing a vector by reference and creating paired vectors
Hi, I'm still getting the hang of C++ and am currently working on a project for one of my classes. My goal is to create a program that reads a series of integer...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both. Not sure why I couldn't figure out that I just needed ... (by m0rteum)
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