Beginners - February 2015 (Page 38)

need help fixing
I'm new to C++ programming and I was wondering how can I fix this program? Rules of game: • The game starts out with the user choosing the initial number ...
[2 replies] Last: there isn't any more code but thanks for help (by axel609)
by Dkob1
Yes/No votes using loops
The output is supposed to horizontal and there should be no number, how would I fix this? I need the output to be something like this: Enter a string of YES a...
[3 replies] Last: Oh ya forgot, don't know why I put that. thanks. (by Dkob1)
Pass a vector of pairs to a function, then write each pair to a file
Hi, I'm hoping for some help with some code I've been working on for a class. I need to have three functions, which are displayed below. The first one (readFile...
[2 replies] Last: NVM i got it now... it is because I needed to run the program from the... (by darienlong)
Head command program trouble
Hello Everyone, Figured it out. Thanks Thanks
[2 replies] Last: See this post regarding this exact question, I'm guessing one of your ... (by OxBADC0DE)
by Smae
Help with finding average
So I am trying to find the average of 4 numbers (assignment grades) and I can't seem to get the correct numbers. Here are the 4 numbers: 75, 85, 82, 94 respecti...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, how did I not notice that!!! Thanks so much. (by Smae)
Can't call function inside another class.
I've been stuck on this for days. My teacher gave us the *.h to work with and we have to build the implementations. I'm trying to get this class to call a funct...
[4 replies] Last: Am I supposed to put stack request; in the private section of class ... (by Bounnoy)
I almost figured this out but I need help
Write your question here. I have this mostly figured out, but I do not know why it's not letting me execute the equation when I type it in and give me the outp...
[4 replies] Last: The execution result should have six lines 1) input mass, 2) input ve... (by shamieh)
by ajg55
How can i splice a string line taken from a text file
For a school project I had to get input from a text file, insert words inside specific parts of the line and standard output it without changing the file. for ...
[1 reply] : (by keskiverto)
by Fonon
Problems with creating objects on a console map
I'm having problems with creating objects on a map. Everytime i create a object it isn't recognized as a object but only as a space in debugger, i assume it is...
[no replies]
What is an Iterator?
What does an Iterator mean in C++? I came up with this word while I studying openCV. Mat I; //This is already assigned way back the full code. MatIte...
[3 replies] Last: @keskiverto, @JLBorges Thank you very much guys :) (by borasemiz)
Can someone help me with this code?
its fixed :)
[6 replies] Last: thank you so much! youre a lifesaver (by misslyss)
by Aybars
Array - compare elements and extract min max values
alright, here is the problem, i made an array of 10 people, used for loop to input how many cookies which person ate, then output that into a table, on s...
[2 replies] Last: wow that did it, thanks a lot (by Aybars)
by cibide
#define v typedef
Hi! I was reading some questions on a tutorial site and admin wrote this code... Can anyone explain me pls why is pW just int on the second case?? typede...
[2 replies] Last: ok, know I understand that! thanks a lot! (by cibide)
Return values of functions
Hello everyone. This is not the first time that I see data structures in C++ but still there are ones that are creative. I am recently working on a project whic...
[5 replies] Last: Ok guys. I got my answer thanks a lot. (by borasemiz)
malloc question
Hello, I have a question about malloc. I am working on a network application and when i receive data i copy it to a new correctly sized buffer. i make it usi...
[7 replies] Last: how your compiler found malloc, memcpy, free, and printf is just magi... (by dhayden)
problem solving with passing variables values
I need help with my problem solving. My code, a sentinel controlled while loop, should; -get a max score possible -take student score input and display score,...
[2 replies] Last: fun2code Thanks for the assist. I followed your suggestion. It didn't ... (by gbEncode)
by Sh0es
Copy Constructors: Are They Necessary
I understand the concept of a deep copy and why passing objects by name alone doesn't work. The thing is that, I was always taught to include certain things...
[2 replies] Last: Only if the defaults provided by the compiler are not good enough. F... (by ne555)
by MTorp
Why is my pointer 0, not nullptr?
I have a vector of pointers to some objects. Since some of the entries in the vector are sometimes unused, i initially fill the vector with nullptr's using std:...
[4 replies] Last: you would be ... (by ne555)
initializing object back to their default value
I have a class Square , Player . Player consists of string name and another object XYZ. Suppose i have to destroy player in the Square class. Destroy means pl...
[7 replies] Last: So the player is really an optional property of the Square. One way to... (by dhayden)
How to improve?
Hello there! I just start with C++ about 1 week ago. Anyway my teacher told me to use array instead of writing all the "num1, num2, num3.....". He told me to us...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for this answer! :) (by knatte1)
February 2015 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 52
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