by XxJatinderXx
Converting one character into another
[1 reply] : Loop over all characters in your array check and replace them for(int ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Nanyo
check if file is open and ask for password
[no replies]
by BillyBob
Check my progs
[no replies]
by BillyBob
[13 replies] Last: const after a function declaration means that the function is not allo... (by BillyBob)
by BillyBob
Const keyword
[4 replies] Last: void g() const When you create member function, aside from arguments... (by MiiNiPaa)
by nomanrasheed
Temp conversion program
[1 reply] : int temp; char scale; if(std::cin >> temp >> scale) { std::cout <... (by LB)
by SoConfused
Error with vectors, switch statement, dataFile
[1 reply] : You blindly access values in a vector without making sure those values... (by LB)
by kiri
add a mathematical calculation in a dat file w ifstream
[1 reply] : Yes. (by LB)
by my228rocks
Exception Handler Crashes
[6 replies] Last: Well, if you throw inside the try like that , then it's pretty pointl... (by LB)
by BillyBob
Clear to me
[16 replies] Last: Thanks :) (by BillyBob)
by hannahe
[8 replies] Last: Damn trolls. (by Mr D)
by Lande
How does a report work
[no replies]
by Aideux
Need help identifying smallest and largest numbers
[5 replies] Last: Ahh ok. Thank you. Sorry about that, I'm pretty impulsive. I really ap... (by Aideux)
by kiri
Whats wrong with this code?
[6 replies] Last: lol, Thank you (by kiri)
Having issue |
[1 reply] : Use the third argument of std::getline : std::string blah; std::getl... (by LB)
by tbrady
Issues with fabs pow and sqrt functions
[1 reply] : Please post a minimal example (10 lines or less complete program) that... (by LB)
by Tbone413
Reformat output txt file every 6 commas
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much Obscure. I am not exactly sure why mine was givi... (by Tbone413)
Lost on the Math, makes code writting harder |
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much. My girlfriend somehow understood what you guys were... (by ProgrammingIgnorant)
by aseemgoyal
operator overloading : unary operators
[3 replies] Last: Hm, I don't know the answer. The long conversation in the comments doe... (by LB)
by aver97
C++ Reading a file and it's individual characters to output to a table in the console
[1 reply] : You have some issues. You should be reading the input file character-... (by Texan40)