Beginners - February 2015 (Page 27)

not understanding try{}, catch(){} in void funtion
This program is part of calculator discussed in B.Stroutrup's "principles and practice using C++" book. We (actually he) made seperate function calculate() and...
[2 replies] Last: Ohh :) I didnt see that while(true) was outside of try{} Thanks for op... (by etrusks)
by dniq
Phone number verification problem
My code asks the user to type in a 10 digit phone number. If its less than or more than 10 it will tell you and prompt you to enter again. If you type in letter...
[10 replies] Last: Okay so all you had to do was tell me to get rid of the "string", beca... (by dniq)
Weird error
I get a weird error where I get a weird symbol that looks like this "╠" can anyone help me on what is going on? Everything works correctly except the last lin...
[6 replies] Last: I went through it like you said and I got it working. Thank you so muc... (by mtbrooks1993)
why won't my if statements work?
I'm trying to make a chatbot using if else printf scanf in theory I think it can be done, as I don't see why not. It's not meant to be amazing or anyth...
[11 replies] Last: (sigh) OK, the last post I will make on this topic. I ASSUME that ev... (by nickeeromo)
Multidimensional array, backward induction
Hi, if someone is willing and able to do pm it would be very helpful as I cannot post the code public. I am struggling with a few things, the first being the...
[1 reply] : So if I have a constructor initialised in a header file and its first ... (by chouhaizi)
binding an rvalue reference to an lvalue reference using move()
Hi guys, I just encountered a few problems regarding the usage of move() function. 1. Normally, the compiler forbids users to bind an lvalue(include an rvalue ...
[5 replies] Last: Get it. Thanks a lot!!! (by glenjoker)
Getting the largest/smallest value, sum, average, standard deviation from a set of numbers
I am trying to run some code that I found which gets a set of numbers from a text file and calculates all the above, but when I do this is my output: "The l...
[2 replies] Last: Line 18. How many numbers do you attempt to read and what would happe... (by keskiverto)
Hi, Getting error when trying to compile #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string> using namespace std; void to_lower(const char*s); { ...
[2 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string> void to_... (by pacman169)
by dknb
C++ Assertion Failed
Hello guys! I´m really new in all of this, but I have been working on this game server for a while now. (DarkEden version 6.68) The game client has most ...
[2 replies] Last: I managed to find this program few months ago from korean forum, I con... (by dknb)
Database Join OPERATION
Hello, i have taken an university course called Database Systems even though i don't even have an idea about how to use C++, homework's statements are as shown ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi thanks for your answer, wish those files would be helpfull, in addi... (by realityking)
Keep checking if-statement
Hello How do you keep an if-statement active? I already searched the whole internet, but only found results on how to keep your terminal active. So, this is a...
[2 replies] Last: ^How would that work if I use the SFML library? if (sf::Keyboard::is... (by Nielyboyken)
help with code =[
Please does anyone know what the problem with my code is, it won't compile =[ #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace...
[7 replies] Last: stop duplicating threads (by xenovia12)
by freiza
Typdef problem
What does this typedef means? typedef<size_t SIZE> I have never seen typedef in angle brackets. Please Explain.
[no replies]
by ksvd
developing a webpage
Hi I am a beginner of programming and started developing web application in .net framework .I am required with some reference links / blogs/articles developing...
[3 replies] Last: HTML/CSS is NOT a programming language, it is a markup language. (by Mr D)
by h4ever
How to convert 2 bytes from string to integer?
Question: How to convert 2 bytes from string to integer or how to convert them directly to R,G,B without performance lost? Maybe the question should be: how to...
[1 reply] : The 16-bit bitmap uses these bits to save RGB values: R-G-B 5-6-5 bi... (by h4ever)
how to compile this?
i feel so dumb right now. what does it mean set() definition. // array5.cpp - friend function // This program will compile, but it won't link without the...
[1 reply] : Hi, You didn't specify what the setVal function does. You should do... (by TheIdeasMan)
Comment it
Hi, this is my homework question: A language expert Mr. LG objects the designers of C++ on the bases of following two arguments: ·A single looping constr...
[5 replies] Last: Give me bit more idea about it. Thanks. (by BillyBob)
Can't figure out the negative sum
Hi guys, can you help me out telling me what do I need to write in order to get the sum of the negative elements in every row ? I figured out how to do the sum ...
[5 replies] Last: Cool .... Now it would make my day if you implemented some of the oth... (by TheIdeasMan)
by h4ever
Problem to set pointer to last position of string
unsigned char * p,end; p = *pBitmap; end = *p+(bmpfile->dib.raster_size-1); bmpfile->dib.raster_size is 33554432 p is 0x600020 '\377' <repeats 8188 ti...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks I see the mistake now. Actually I want to loop the p until p<en... (by h4ever)
Hi, What is lvalue in C++ ? Thanks.
[2 replies] Last: Got it, thanks. (by BillyBob)
February 2015 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 52
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