Beginners - February 2015 (Page 25)

Can't Get the Simplest of Programs to Work
I am still stuck just trying to get started. This has to be some kind of compiler problem or something, because the following code: #include <iostream> usin...
[5 replies] Last: I'm not a Windows user but does cb_console_runner.exe exist? (by jlb)
appending extra column to existing matrix
I need your help for appending extra column of zeros and extra row of zeros to the existing matrix.I tried using pointers and vectors.But could not achieve it.I...
[3 replies] Last: I think you misunderstand. A double holds a single value. What are y... (by LB)
by slour
how do I address to the 3rd dimension?
Why do I get the error too many initializers values? I have a 3D array that is set up as 2 12 2, and I should be good right? double A = { { ...
[2 replies] Last: okay so just like this then, void main(){ double A = { { { 1.... (by slour)
errors when compiling (1,2)
When compiling I get a bunch of different errors such as "string does not name type" in EmployeeInfo.h also declaration does not declare anything in EmployeeInf...
[37 replies] Last: You have two errors in your program, both related to datehired. ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Using push_back for entering values into vector
Hi, I'm trying to input double values into vector but am running into trouble. When I use the following code, it ignores everything after asking for th...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you thank you thank you thank you!! I realized when I ran the p... (by sunny100489)
Coding help
Please help me to correct this code.What i want is that i want to display amount of every room and also show the total amount in the end. #include <iostre...
[1 reply] : Try using descriptive variables, as abcdefg are not clear to what they... (by Mr D)
gcc/g++ : does the positions of options matter
Hi, Though I have some experience in C/ C++ programming, I am new to Linux. My questions are regarding various compiler option (gcc/ g++) option. 1) ...
[2 replies] Last: It is possible to use gcc for C++ code but then you will have to pas... (by Peter87)
help me doubly linked list
Hi this is my code, and the program do insertion in both side of the list, and The First INSERTS INSERTS That is on the left and then on the Right and Now repea...
[2 replies] Last: thank you un2code (1655) so then I change the second else for else ... (by JOSEluis2796)
by Mr D
Ifstream object question
I'm loading different files, is it possible/ideal to simply close the file, then open another, or is it necessary to declare a entirely new ifstream object? ...
[12 replies] Last: > How does this look? Looks good. Why should there be a const qualif... (by JLBorges)
What to do and how to do it?
I'm a high school student, and I wanna move away from my parents. Working as a bartender is an option, but I would prefer to code for living. However, I don'...
[2 replies] Last: Don't know what skills are in demand where you are, one possible way o... (by tipaye)
by Mr D
Structural question
So, I'm creating a small text-adventure game to sharpen my skills and get me out of my comfort zone, but I'm stuck on how to accomplish something. The way I hav...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you i will come up with something and post it up here for critic... (by Mr D)
1st Programming Course. Need Help Writing Program
Write your question here. I've wrestled with this for hours. Help me learn where I've gone wrong and what I can do to make it right & most of all WHY? He...
[2 replies] Last: It says that you may use 3 integer type to hold three scores. Then, ... (by xenovia12)
Multiple File selection
Hi All, I am using VC++; I want to fetch file name from a given string. example "C:\ETools\Power Generation\Shared\Captured Files\ATS.cap" I just opend a ...
[no replies]
Line Counter Program - Inaccurate Count
Can someone help me with my logic? I'm trying to output the number of lines inside of my class starting from the class name down to the ending bracket. The coun...
[4 replies] Last: oh yeah sure, you have to count before checking if the class has ended... (by Gamer2015)
destroying class having private destructor
class Test{ private : int a; int *arr; ~Test(){}; public : Test(int i): a(i),arr(new int ) {} int geta() { return a; } friend...
[10 replies] Last: I have 1 more question: Assume: destructor is Public. ~Test() { ... (by dhayden)
how to change color text
I am just wondering how to change the color of one particular sentence. do any of you guys know how to do. I can use windows.h but will change the entire cod...
[1 reply] : (by shamieh)
by Nillen
Struggling with read file
I used the tutorial to get the read file working, however, I can not fahtom how to avoid reading all lines. Basically what I want to do is to have a couple ...
[2 replies] Last: I want to get some specific lines from the file. I've tried using st... (by Nillen)
Need Help with sfml
hey guys, Using backspace in this program will not work for me. it will move back a character but will not erase the character. #include <iostream>...
[1 reply] : There are two major issues with your code. The first issue, is you do... (by closed account 2UD8vCM9)
My uni assignment
Write a program that receives three unique integer numbers from the user and displays the largest number... please someone help me..
[1 reply] : Well first you need to include the proper library for input/output. ... (by shamieh)
How to check if input is a INT type?
I want to check if the user's input is a INT type. When I ask them to input a value for A (INT ONLY), what can I do in my IF statement to make sure it is INT an...
[2 replies] Last: No idea what Texan40 is wanting you to do up there.. Instead, try this... (by shamieh)
February 2015 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 52
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