Beginners - February 2015 (Page 24)

Searching for array
My program is intended to take the runcount, which is a variable that stores a large integer like 10000, initialize it in the linearsearch function, and go thro...
[1 reply] : Line 84 does integer division. Line 40: what values that can return? ... (by keskiverto)
No output from return statement in string function
Hello, I'm trying to get my function to return the suit and rank of the card in the return function so I can test if the values can be passed. However, there is...
[4 replies] Last: Okay, great thanks! How would I pass these values to another function.... (by androidguy1)
C++ Help Lat/Long Distance
I need help/feedback on where i'm messing up on. (I'm still new to c++) The input i'm using is SAN to JFK Anything helps much appreciated. #include <ios...
[3 replies] Last: The trigonometric functions in the standard library take their argumen... (by Zhuge)
Calling class member from function!
I have an assignment where I have to construct a nonmember function which calls a member function inside it. The issue lies inside the testSuccesfulSearch fu...
[4 replies] Last: Ah interesting, I've never seen the const used like that before. Thank... (by alex067)
does anyone know what this means? i had been working on a program with allegro 5 and stopped working on it for about 2 months. i wanted to get back on it and i...
[1 reply] : Hey- the best way to catch exception code (if you can't immediately se... (by ultifinitus)
Stuck with a problem
I am stuck with a problem must complete by tomorrow, most is completed but the output is not correct. This is a link to the question:
[2 replies] Last: okay, I guess I was thrown off by the way he addressed the steps. Than... (by gregwells)
by slour
not reading any values from a file into an array
I am trying to make a program here that will read values from a file into an array, all I'm getting for numbers is 0. do I need to add a for loop? #include ...
[2 replies] Last: I have added 3 for loops and get the same result, any help would great... (by slour)
by slour
Returning a value of 5
I have been working on an array that needs to return the number of even numbers from a file. My problem is that no matter what I have in the file for numbers it...
[11 replies] Last: okay, thanks (by slour)
Need Someone to Walk through problem with me. Please
Write a rational number class. This problem will be revisited in Chapter11, where operator overloading will make the problem much easier. For now we will use me...
[19 replies] Last: Thanks for all your help! (by Joshcannon)
Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable is being used without being initialized.
Why do I keep getting "Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'Fahrenheit' is being used without being initialized"? Also, it will not loop or follow the cond...
[3 replies] Last: else (Fahrenheit >250 || Fahrenheit <-250); //conditional values for ... (by booradley60)
Having trouble with calculations
Hi guys, so I have a pretty simple task here...I feel that I am close, but no cigar. I am basically trying to convert this calculator from excel to c++ code and...
[2 replies] Last: I know for a fact that the excel document is 100% correct. I just cant... (by Vorstoss)
remove action on invalid user entry
This program needs to state "Invalid entry" when the user input is outside the parameters set. It does this, but also posts the answer. How do I make it stop gi...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your help and timely answer. Sorry for not using tags. This... (by brandys)
by nemimi
Parallelogram Using While or Do/While
I have an assignment requiring a program that creates a parallelogram of a specific size and makeup. I need to use at least one for loop and one while or do/wh...
[no replies]
by Kernul
Printing a part of a vector
The exercise says: Given a sorted array of elements and two elements a and b, with a<=b, print an array with all the elements between a and b. Example: INPUT...
[6 replies] Last: Oh! I'm so stupid... I didn't see that typo... Thanks a lot! (by Kernul)
by orin15
strstream class
I'm trying to incorporate the strstream class into my project using code from another website (since I have no idea what I'm doing) and the compiler (microsoft ...
[no replies]
cout statement in cutting off
hi i am a beginner in c++ i have an assignment due and tried to make it interesting but the statements words are being cut off on the next line when it runs- i ...
[4 replies] Last: You're welcome! If you don't have any more questions don't forget to m... (by Mr D)
Help with a insertion of list
Hi everyone, so my problem with my code is that the class nodo, when I compile my code show me that the nodo is the problem, so not understand why, because and ...
[2 replies] Last: well, I don't very time but thnk you for the problems, the list now is... (by JOSEluis2796)
Parking Fee question
Could you help with an error I am getting with the IF(totalMinutes==0). I need to have a error message stating that 0 is not acceptable. #include <cstdlib> ...
[3 replies] Last: Any tips on the breakdown from total minutes to hours and minutes? h... (by tygerrock)
Best chat app for me to use
Hello, I am looking for a chat application to implement it to my Algo-Trading website. I don't have idea which to use or which is best. I came across RumbleTal...
[2 replies] Last: I think it is moved. Because I am a very carefull man. I always do a ... (by JohnLum)
This is an incomplete code.. i need to create 2 account whose balance can be entered by the user and both accounts separately be accessed and altered. kindly he...
[3 replies] Last: rather than just passing an amount on construction you could also pass... (by mutexe)
February 2015 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 52
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