Beginners - February 2015 (Page 23)

My coding errors
Hi there, i'm having hard time fixing my code. It gives me scanf C4996 warning, but i don't know what i did wrong! The program should calculate the miles drive...
[5 replies] Last: Why'd you all write it in C ? This is a website about C++ . (by jasonwynn10)
by Mr D
Is error checking like this redundant?
Is using error checking like this bad? I just want to make sure if something goes wrong that I know exactly what it is as I am designing a very large game. ...
[5 replies] Last: Map size is 0 In that case, line 52 makes no sense. You're testin... (by AbstractionAnon)
Email verification
Im trying to input a file that contains a list of emails. From that list of emails im trying to decide if each email has 1 '@' symbol. If it doesnt I want to ...
[1 reply] : Looks ok. A li'l correction: bool oneAt(const char *email) { int... (by AskIchthys)
help me with my code about the insertion in a list
Hello, This is for a project my school , it is that given a task that has time (the time it takes to do it ) and gain ( which is money tale wins to make it ) th...
[5 replies] Last: The nodo::operator< does care. It computes through the rules that you... (by keskiverto)
by Winsu
My program Crash when I execute a friend external function
I dont know why, but I have declared a friend external function called hello of class proof and when the function is executed, the program crash...the program g...
[5 replies] Last: Ok, thank you I think I've have go it!!! Actually I made that destruc... (by Winsu)
by kiri
How to compute all of this in one function???
How would I be able to compute this all as a function, properly. //Totals double fuelpod, jetcost, oxycost, cacost, total; //Cost of input fuelpod = pods*12...
[2 replies] Last: Line 13 is a typo lol. total was cut out but will be used later. as ... (by kiri)
can some one tell me whats wrong with this code?
Write your question here. so i have looked this code over and over and i cant find anything wrong with it. is my code::blocks just glitching or am i just miss...
[2 replies] Last: ooooooooooooohhhh, right on thank you. im very new to this so yeah, (by Wolfgang1993)
Overloading operators Question
I'm not sure if anyone came across this and probably very rare to come across. But i was thinking if you have a class specifically a vector type or a array type...
[3 replies] Last: I don't understand your question. (by LB)
What does this simple code mean?
What does this code mean? Why do I get particular numbers when running it? #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by laurisplus)
error with my code of list linked
Hola , Esto Es para un Proyecto de Mi Escuela, se trata de que dada una tarea que tiene hora (que es la hora que lleva hacerla) y ganancia (que es cuento dineor...
[2 replies] Last: No, not problem, I understand almost the english, and I have the tradu... (by JOSEluis2796)
Automata theory problem!!!
I'm creating a program with an input string and follows the ff. rules in Dev C++. PROGRAM RULES 1st rule Identifiers: starts with [a-z] and ends with [a-z]...
[no replies]
can you guys tell me whats wrong with my program? example outpust should be "Type a number followed by its multiple: 25 5 Multiples of 5 from 1 to 25: 5 10 1...
[3 replies] Last: ok thanks for your answers! (by blitzz05)
"if statement missing (" help
My homework is due two days from now and I have been struggling with this error I can't seem to fix. We were to create a program that lets the user sign up and ...
[4 replies] Last: The not-equal-to operator is !=. (by Peter87)
Tips For A Stable C++ start For A Begginer!
Hi! I'm Juris and I want to start programming C++. I already know a really small bit of Java (because of android), XHTML and CSS, and I am halfway of knowing An...
[2 replies] Last: I learned quite a bit from Bucky's C++ tutorials, it is important to u... (by Mr D)
Programming through the GPU
So I'm working on a c++ project that uses the OpenCV library and I wanted to use their ocl factions, which to my understandings are image processing functions t...
[no replies]
by KickAz
C++ and Keypressed
Hello I'm trying to create something but instead of the usual cin where the user has to press enter, I want to see how it can be done without pressing enter but...
[6 replies] Last: Yep Texan40, that would work as well! (by koothkeeper)
Looping construct
Hi Could we use only one looping construct for all conditions ? Thanks.
[7 replies] Last: > I guess understanding goto statement, is difficult than understandin... (by JLBorges)
by Mr D
Initializing an array of objects that have constructors
Is it possible to initialize an array of objects that have different constructors? #include <iostream> #include "Map_Segment.h" const Map_Segment Maps = { O...
[10 replies] Last: Thank you Coder777, that worked perfectly! (by Mr D)
by Aman03
When I debug, for instance a t input, it keeps outputting the corresponding number is 8 over an over until I exit it. Need help finding my mistake. " " " ...
[6 replies] Last: cout << "Enter a letter: "; cin >> letter; you may put these two i... (by xenovia12)
accessing class methods
Hey everyone! Suppose we have a class (CLASS A) having a number of data members and methods. And then i create an array of objects.There is a member function ...
[5 replies] Last: but the log massange say this |fatal error: iostream: No such file or... (by Adambacktiar)
February 2015 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 52
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