Beginners - February 2015 (Page 20)

Compiler Error
I'm trying to write a code in which the user gives an input and if the input is "T", "F", "true" or "false" they will get a boolean reflecting that. If they typ...
[1 reply] : Your if statements are formatted incorrectly. For this you would use t... (by androidguy1)
Help with my code
Here is the initial code: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void welcomeMsg() { cout << "Welcome to My Program" << end...
[no replies]
random number gen
I'm trying to write a loop, and there's no bugs but there's certain "oopsies" about it. the random number generator needs to be generated multiple times but i...
[6 replies] Last: No, I'm not quite sure how to fix that. edit: wait, can I put an OR st... (by catpokemon)
Array list
I need help with the compiling errors please. type.h #ifndef arrayListType #define arrayListType class arrayListType { int main(); public: int int...
[14 replies] Last: It keeps telling me no such file or directory so that's why I keep del... (by jazminen)
Sum of odd numbers not correct in output - Help please!
Hi everyone, I really need help with a programming assignment im doing. The assignment was to output a table of four columns: The first column lists all odd...
[6 replies] Last: Well, I guess that's why you can't see the problem :) Move line 21 t... (by Arslan7041)
Please help with outputting a float value
Good evening. Im doing a project for class, and I cant seem to figure out why the "salary" output is showing up as, for example, 26000.00x47e748.0x47e748 - when...
[3 replies] Last: wow..... that really WAS a very newbie mistake. How did I not- ..never... (by CaptainRaven)
Could someone help with this question?
Write function definition for calc() which intakes two integers and an arithmetic operator and prints the corresponding result. Use the following prototype t...
[no replies]
by sha92
Problem in displaying!!!
Hello! I need to know how to display the records when i populate from 1st option and then the 2nd option. I can only display the initial records that i populat...
[no replies]
How to display the all results of the user inputs at the end of the program
Hello I need help making this program display all the inputs the user made. I know its some type of loop but can not figure out what loop to use. I have been st...
[3 replies] Last: @keskiverto i want it to loop over the program but i dont want to over... (by WDman420)
by sha92
populate function is not working properly!
Hello, I am not finished with the program yet but the populate function isn't working properly. The first record is only taking the phone number, but the sec...
[1 reply] : The function is working fine. The issue is that formatted input operat... (by LB)
by jgill
Reading text file to an array
How do I read a text file with numbers and input those numbers into an array?
[1 reply] : #include <fstream> #include <vector> int main() { std::vector<in... (by LB)
binary string to ascii value conversion for beginners
Alright so I know there's a few discussions about this on the forum but the help and solutions are beyond my abilities. I'm a beginning c++ student and have be...
[18 replies] Last: Alrighty, so my instructor doesn't seem to want to move on from this c... (by brosephius)
operator overloading PLEASE help
Hi I am creating a class called time and we've had to do operator overloading for <, > , <=, >=, ==, !=, ++, --, >>, <<, * , +, and -. Well I have done and e...
[2 replies] Last: I forgot to include my return statement. My bad. it's in my normal cod... (by UGAman22)
How do I only allow integers and doubles to be input?
I am writing a code that will only allow integers between a minimum and maximum value. I'm having trouble, though, limiting the user to just integers. Here's wh...
[7 replies] Last: What would you do after you've accepted your invalid input and told th... (by cire)
Basic Do-While Loop
I'm suppose to make the do-while loop to output 0 to countLimit and assume the user is only putting in positive values. #include <iostream> using namespa...
[4 replies] Last: Nevermind. I figured it out. Thanks guys. (by calisabeth)
by Staz7
Help please
I'm fairly new to coding and I have this project for class due soon and was wondering if i can get some examples or help with it. I know the math component of t...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah i dont think ive written something like that so ill need to brush... (by Staz7)
Write your question here. i've been searching all over the tutorials on how to do this but i honestly didn't find it. I was just wondering how can we make the ...
[1 reply] : Do you mean, having a delay between each letter appearing on the scree... (by LB)
permutation recursion and backtracking
can someone explain me on a example like "ABC" how the program works ? as detailed as you can please. (im kinda stuck at recursion part) #include <iostrea...
[2 replies] Last: well ty anyway i figured it myself I neededl ike 1-2 hours to fully u... (by closed account E3h7X9L8)
by h4ever
How to check number of characters successfuly written?
How to check number of characters successfuly written? size = fwrite(pBlock, 14+40, 1, fp); I am not sure what means the 3rd argument and how it sho...
[8 replies] Last: the 3rd parameter is the number of elements you want to write, the s... (by tipaye)
Executing two while-loops at same time
Hello I need to execute two while loops at exactly the same time. One while loop (A) is a timeout, the other one (B) is the actual code which need to check th...
[11 replies] Last: Using threads for this is overkill. You're using a titan to squish a s... (by LB)
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