Protected Base Destructor |
[2 replies] Last: OK thanks didn't think of that. (by closed account oGhfSL3A)
by bobtran12
Reading from file and storing into array
[1 reply] : Try making your file look like this The Avengers 2012 89 623357910... (by TarikNeaj)
by xenovia12
[1 reply] : Im not 100% Sure, but one thing is sure, Your class name should always... (by TarikNeaj)
by Nielyboyken
Define and save variables in another file
[4 replies] Last: Kind of yeah. But when I share my application (A), so that other use... (by Nielyboyken)
by davidoo
reading and using Comma Separated Values
[no replies]
by ManlyMartin
Does my header look alright?
[3 replies] Last: That header as you've got it doesn't do anything for you. You've decla... (by tipaye)
Problem holding values for X and Y - Linear Regression Problem |
[2 replies] Last: Starting from the top: Globals are bad enough, but globals named n, m... (by tipaye)
by BillyBob
[2 replies] Last: Yes (by BillyBob)
by etrusks
input stream problem
[2 replies] Last: Thanks man a lot :) (by etrusks)
by coolguy123
Program keeps aborting (vectors)
[2 replies] Last: As with an array, a vector's first element is at index 0. So, if you ... (by cire)
by Billgonzo
Please Help! I need a peer review :(
[3 replies] Last: thanks a lot, this helps. i'll make those changes! (by Billgonzo)
by ihamusoh
Payroll Assignment: Program 'forgets' previous information entered despite having an assigned variable
[1 reply] : Include the text files payroll8.txt and payroll10.txt, and I will take... (by Militie)
by synalprasad
computing wages
[5 replies] Last: still does the same that gives me super long exponential answer...i ju... (by synalprasad)
by keltonfan2
Program that prints out all digits of an integer not working (1,2,3)
[42 replies] Last: Update: It still doesn't work, but I have updated my code. It now has ... (by keltonfan2)
by omoe
How to convert this Pascal loop to c++?
[4 replies] Last: Oh right i'm sorry , , I figured it out after doing some research , lo... (by omoe)
by mgreider
Help making a reciept
[no replies]
by Fedeb
2d arrays (reloaded)
[3 replies] Last: 1) Dynamic dims (or dynamic memory alloc.) is usefull if your program... (by Disch)
by MultiDaxio
Loop issue
[7 replies] Last: Works like a charm, buddy. Thanks! (by MultiDaxio)
by elieli eli
Access elements in matrix when it is called from a function
[1 reply] : The range-based for cannot know the actual size of the array that the ... (by keskiverto)
by Ravorne
What exactly does "if (!cin)" mean?
[8 replies] Last: Oh, I actually didn't know that. But, at the very least, the next inpu... (by LB)