Beginners - February 2015 (Page 13)

Output formatting assistance
Full disclosure: I'm working on a school assignment at the moment. While I have figured out the majority of the assignment one problem has continued to vex me. ...
[2 replies] Last: LB, Thanks. That solved it for me. I appreciate the quick response. (by NoCompletion)
by kiri
Not displaying data from file.
The input data is. 111 //trip number 1 100.00 //fuel cost 200.00 //waste disposal 50.00 // miscellaneous expense 222 //trip number 2 200.00 //fuel co...
[2 replies] Last: Doesn't need comments. Thanks. (by kiri)
by csharp
isPermutation function
Hello guys, I need help in writing this kind of function bool isPermutation( const unsigned a , unsigned elements ); {3, 0, 2, 1} return true. While {3, ...
[12 replies] Last: #anup30, thanks this worked. bool func(const unsigned ar , unsigned... (by csharp)
Good C++ Tutorials
I'm honestly not trying to be blunt with this question, but how good are the tutorials on this website for C++? What I mean by this is that I've read many C...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you all of you. I'll take into consideration what you guys have ... (by Kovaska)
never ending loop
write a program that reads info about the employee, the number of hours are read in a loop and their sum is stored in the structure as the number of hours worke...
[17 replies] Last: yes find me at skill2232 (by leashbomb69)
else without a previous if? (1,2)
I'm new at C++ and I am getting the error: 'else' without a previous 'if' I have been reading other things on here about this and using this example: if(boolea...
[22 replies] Last: Haha man Its alright! You can always check out Bucky's (thenewboston) ... (by TarikNeaj)
by jc05
calorie counter help please (1,2)
Keep getting these errors: calories1.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: calories1.cpp:72: error: invalid lvalue in assignment calories1.cpp:76: error: expect...
[23 replies] Last: In that case, remove the cin >> calories. and just leave the int c... (by TarikNeaj)
clearing user input
the code asks the user to enter a 10 DIGIT number(no letters). but when i gave it a test run, it stores the size of the previous input making the next input 100...
[3 replies] Last: Haha, no problem! Thank you too, I try my best :) (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
by Torm04
Need help counting the number of characters in a .txt file
Hello, I have recently hit a stump with C++ and have been getting pretty frustrated with this assignment. I just can't seem to find out how to start the assignm...
[1 reply] : Start by writing a loop that reads each character from the file indivi... (by LB)
Volume of a box with classes
I've been working on this program to learn about using classes. In the requirements it says this; -create a get and set for height, width, length. -A default p...
[no replies]
Visual Studio string declaration error
Hey guys. I've been doing some assignment in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate that I have recently installed, and I'm having problems with understanding a few things...
[5 replies] Last: How so? Even in c++ shell which you can open from this very window yo... (by Yanson)
Banning non-numbers for user input and letting the user retry an input
How can I "ban" letters from being used while only letting numbers to get through? Inputting letters causes my program to crash. And if they were to input a let...
[7 replies] Last: Oops, the reason my code didn't work was because I forgot the return ... (by LB)
Is there a way to count the spaces in a string named line using a .get function?
Disclosure: I am very new to programming and am only in week 4 of my c++ class. Is there a way to count the spaces in a string named line using a .get functi...
[4 replies] Last: I figured out a much simpler way to do what I needed to. #include <i... (by mluyben)
by abc456
how to fix this program?
It's solved:)
[11 replies] Last: You may PM if you wish, though I prefer to field problems in the forum... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Polymorphism exercise
The exercise involves making a database of employees, using a single vector, and saving the database on a file. All employees have a first and last name, and a...
[2 replies] Last: From what youve said, you'll need to make the Employee class an abstra... (by Aceix)
by Dmonty
Weekly problem
I'm having trouble answering this problem. I've tried everything, any help will be appreciate it. Problem: Prompt the user to enter an integer as follows: ...
[2 replies] Last: Bucky (thenewboston) has great tutorial on basics. Video 8, 16 and 17 ... (by TarikNeaj)
Simple calculations problem
Hello! So I have the following assignment due as the first of this semester. I made the mistake of taking this class online b/c my teacher is horrible at explai...
[1 reply] : Could you please post what you have done so far? (by TarikNeaj)
No errors, but program stops responding when I run it
Wrote this as part of an assignment. It is supposed to use the infinite series for sin, cos, and atan and calculate the sum of a certain number of terms. But wh...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, both of you. Now it returns properly. (by kaseron)
Some seasonal Pancake Glutton
Evening all, Trying to tackle the Pancake Glutton exercise and been looking at trying to sort() an Array and failing somewhat at it. I'm having problems ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks both for the replies. There are errors on 37,38,39 & 40. I've... (by DJ Spectre)
Can't find the problem
Hello. My code should show 4 persons names and age, but now its repeat it twice like: Name: Alex and Age: 20 Name: Alex and Age: 20 instead of just once...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for all replies! i have got it to work :) (by knatte1)
February 2015 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 52
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