Beginners - February 2015 (Page 10)

by oseri
Pointer to array needs double dereferencing
Hi, I've defined a pointer to array of 4 ints. Now, dereferencing that pointer still causes it to display the address it points to instead of the value that i...
[4 replies] Last: Not a problem mate. It can be a very difficult process to how pointers... (by TarikNeaj)
Code not working
So i made this program which displays the number of ways that the target number can be achieved by the sum of 2 numbers raised on 2 but the outputs are wrong.At...
[2 replies] Last: I want it to return the number of the count,so I have to add something... (by Bilakos)
by Kernul
Complicated Vector Exercise
The exercise is this: Assigned two vectors (V1 and V2) of integers. Check if within one of the two vectors (VY) there is a sequence of values in consecutive pos...
[12 replies] Last: Wait, every single piece of the example output is a number, right? I m... (by Kernul)
Random Number Generator with array
Hi I do not understand the question stated below. Does anyone know what does it mean so I can kick start with it? The program has two array of character. One...
[no replies]
code breaks.
I think the following test code produces an error on the execution of this code line: printf( "%d, ", p ); (there are two printf of this kind, i mean the secon...
[5 replies] Last: @Coder777 Yes sorry. I realized that and was about to edit my post to... (by TarikNeaj)
Need help
Can someone help me with my c++ homework please?:) Iam such a new for this programming language.. :( And sorry for my english.. Programm: • Enter an in...
[1 reply] : Sorry but it is against the rules to help you out with the entire home... (by TarikNeaj)
reading and using data in a .csv file
I want to write a program that takes in a .csv file with over 2000 columns on information but i have no idea how to and so far i have: int main() { ifst...
[5 replies] Last: Here is the descripton for getline: (by coder777)
Hi . i tried to make program that do { open a .exe (and i did it) then count 30 mints or so .. i know time in counter in ms and after this 30 mints th...
[8 replies] Last: open game.exe (timer wait ) >>30 minutes if ( timer <30 minutes) { do... (by Mahmoud ElNahal)
Vector Display Error!
I'm trying to display the Vector's contents but i get this error no match for 'operator ' in 'a_set ' any ideas on how this can be resolved? temp...
[1 reply] : Nvm, I was able to solve it and got it to work :D (by Dlazyguy)
by zecbmo
2D array passed as a pointer problem
So I am creating a grid in which I want to be able to paste on smaller grids using a function. It uses a 2D array for both grids but I am having a problem w...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for posting the answer, I was looking forward to know how to do... (by VitorR)
ceaser cipher
Write your question here. code for ceaser chiper #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; char caesar( char ); int main() { str...
[no replies]
counter character,word & line
Write your question here. CODE FOR COUNTING CHARACTER ,WORD AND LINES FROM FILE BY USER GIVEN TXT FILE #include<fstream> #include<iostream> #include<s...
[no replies]
Command Line Issue
So I am almost done with my matrix multiplication program, but I was thinking of different tests that would make my program crash. The one test I can't figure o...
[1 reply] : Lines 31-37. You do dereference argv before you have ensured (on li... (by keskiverto)
Help A Beginner With Random Number Generating?
Hey guys! So I'm a total beginner to programming and have decided to start with C++. I play an online video game called an MMORPG and am trying to make a progra...
[4 replies] Last: If I want to sleep for an interval between 2990 and 3010 would I use ... (by campbmic)
Some help using stat() to...
I'm having a hard time starting my homework as it starts with the stat() function, something I've yet to see. We are to use stat() to check if a file exsists, i...
[no replies]
Dice Game Score Accumulator
I am writing a C++ program for two games, the one I am currently working in on the code below is called PIG. It is a game where the user plays against the com...
[1 reply] : I think the problem is at line 78 cout << "I Rolled a " << getRandom... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Store mulitlpe variables using for loop in function?
Hey, This is my first time using functions. I am trying to store or compare multiple variables in a function. I need to prompt users 1 through 6 to ent...
[7 replies] Last: Heres what I came up with. The only problem I have is that if I call t... (by Marty86)
how do i write void arrange? #include <iostream> using namespace std; void askValues(int &x,int &y,int &z); void arrange(); int main(){ int x,...
[1 reply] : Try starting off like this... #include <iostream> using namespace st... (by Bdanielz)
Vector storage problem
I'm trying to store a value passed through a function argument into a vector. Everytime the method is called "name" changes and so do the values stored in _grou...
[1 reply] : Your `GroupInfo' is doing a shallow copy of the name parameter Also, y... (by ne555)
by nemimi
Calculator Problem
Ok, I realize I have ALL sorts of issues with this program. I'm trying to write a program that prompts the user to put in an expression with 3 numbers and 2 op...
[2 replies] Last: That did it! I can't believe it was something as obvious as the order... (by nemimi)
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