by samfisher4
Fruit Sales assignment
[3 replies] Last: Why do you have to use strcpy and why do you do the same things twice?... (by closed account iAk3T05o)
Having display issues with my code, looking for help to fix! |
[6 replies] Last: // Creates a dynamic CycleComputer object // static CycleComputer ... (by Alysha Recore)
How when should I use literals? |
[1 reply] : Self answering here -_-;;; (by closed account 91vUpfjN)
HELP - many lines text |
[6 replies] Last: thanks bufige (by closed account ivDwAqkS)
by PR Erkle
why does it load wrong[0] twice before loading wrong[1] ???
[no replies]
by SoftMOUNT
Can you use VC++ to write Windows Apps
[10 replies] Last: Alright, thanks modoran - I'm still all quite new to this. (by SoftMOUNT)
by muddaser
[2 replies] Last: std::sort + std::unique + std::distance (by keskiverto)
by mikem76
cin invalid input
[1 reply] : You can check if the input was successful by using it as a condition f... (by Peter87)
by Alby94
for_each() function!
[2 replies] Last: Because the arguments of the functions must be evaluated before the fu... (by ne555)
A couple of algorithms to compress |
[1 reply] : 1. You haven't asked a question 2. You duplicate posted: http://www.cp... (by Stewbond)
by jackbruns28
Is it possible to use the modulus operator on a decimal?
[3 replies] Last: You can use fmod from <cmath> (by Stewbond)
by siebi
ifstream.get() returns wrong character
[2 replies] Last: try using gets() instead of get(). (by NPcomplete)
by kooogs
New to Programming
[6 replies] Last: @koongs Tablet/Mobile apps. This can't be done with "pure" C++, but wi... (by iQChange)
by JDragon
Requesing Interesting C++ tutorials
[no replies]
by hunkeelin
Convert an array into a link list.
[no replies]
by Sabreil
Multiplication using repeated addition problem
[3 replies] Last: Your computer knows 5 * 0 or 0 * 5 is 0 so there is no need for that c... (by closed account iAk3T05o)
by Tipharez
Overloading Functions Compiler Error
[7 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Tipharez)
by faust058
C++ text adventure
[10 replies] Last: @dnulho I will be posting my code is several parts in a new topic. And... (by faust058)
by tatum96
using text file
[1 reply] : Let me make sure I'm understanding you correctly... you don't have any... (by packetpirate)
by dnulho
Text based game w/ external files
[1 reply] : Sorry to double post, but I updated the code and my problem. If some w... (by dnulho)