Beginners - February 2014 (Page 26)

While loop
I am making a game for class and i need help with my while loop. I want the program to run a different loop when the value is 0. I have the code written how I t...
[1 reply] : while (true) { if (rocketa > 0) { cout << "You Dealt " << rocke... (by poohpooh)
by zakkor
Moving declarations to their own separate file?
My function declarations are getting quite lengthy and it's irritating to scroll for 5 seconds to get from a declaration to another... Is it possible to put ...
[4 replies] Last: is this considered good practice? It really depends on what exactly ... (by kevinkjt2000)
Beginning In Programming C++ and Game
Hey Guys I want to start making 3D indie games in c++ and opengl. I have little knowledge on c++ and wanted to know: 1. What things in c++ will i need to...
[5 replies] Last: Start with version 1 or 2. Those should be enough for a basic game. ... (by kevinkjt2000)
append string an path split
Hi is there a better way to do this? string Msg; Msg = "Process: "; Msg += pe32.szExeFile; Msg += "\n"; Msg += "ProcessID: "; TCHAR ProcessID ; sp...
[2 replies] Last: Thankyou this helped. (by poohpooh)
detect SysTray balloon
hey i wanted to know if there was a way to detect if my ballon message is showing on screen?
[no replies]
What is wrong with this variable
When I execute this I get a runtime error that says the variable narray is uninitialized, but as far as I can tell it is initialized! WHAT IS GOING ON!? #...
[4 replies] Last: Lol I'm tired :P No worries - it's easily done! Hope that solved t... (by MikeyBoy)
sending a reference to a function ? " or pointers "
Hey guys , so I was trying to send a vector to a function to read it only " const " and I thought I should send a pointer or reference for better performance , ...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks guys , you helped a lot (by Cutefriendzoned)
How to pixel averaging in one nested for loop?
Let's image there's a 3x3 array. I want each element in the array be the average of it's neighbor. How to do it with just ONE nested for loop. int arr = n...
[2 replies] Last: I know how to solve the problem but I don't know how to solve the pro... (by cire)
Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator
Hey guys, I have been fighting with this for hours, but cannot seem to fix it.I am trying to make a copy constructor and an assignment operator use other classe...
[9 replies] Last: Both Queue<T>::operator= and List<T>::operator= leak memory. In t... (by cire)
Help on parameters and operators
Hey Community, I am trying to create an operator that take two classes and produces one, but it keeps saying: person.cpp:128:57: error: ‘Person Person::...
[2 replies] Last: Zero or one arguments is because it is a member of the Person class. T... (by kevinkjt2000)
Issue with Pure Virtual Function
I'm attempting to write a basic program that demonstrates the use of pure virtual functions in classes. For some reason though, after I've defined my virtual ba...
[4 replies] Last: Nvrmind's response worked. The protected/private issue mentioned by th... (by Free Radical)
by zakkor
Any idea how to improve this code?
Any idea what I can do to improve this? I don't want to hand type every possible combination. if (storeArguments == 1 && storeArguments == 0) ...
[11 replies] Last: > I was wondering if it could be done programmatically? It could be d... (by JLBorges)
Program not running
This is my current program. I am trying to make a lottery ticket program but I cannot seem to be able to run it. #include <iostream> #include <vector> #inc...
[5 replies] Last: The problem is with your match() function. The following line: for(i... (by unsensible)
Defining a vector within a vector?
The compiler i use is Microsoft visual studio Hello, I am attempting to become a programmer but I only have a few books of basic programming knowledge under ...
[4 replies] Last: A string can hold spaces, so why do you need a vector of strings to ho... (by Manga)
I think i've got pointers
After reading up to/more than 10 different articles and tutorials more than once, i think i finally understand why pointers should be used. int *pointer = n...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks. 1994 posts, (20 more to 2014) ;). (by closed account iAk3T05o)
by buzz24
functions won't run
i'm having a bit of a problem getting my last three functions to run; obviously missed something out just can't see it. //please work //yues you aill...
[2 replies] Last: oh right... cheers ne555 (by buzz24)
I need Help
I'm Beginners level...i need help.. REQUIREMENT / ASSIGNMENT QUESTION Write a C program that prints a one-month calendar. The user specifies the number of...
[13 replies] Last: TQ Coder777 (by jaisyah)
by slour
3 dimensional array
I need to have static values for a 3 dimensional array, am i inputting the values correctly? Thanks in advance. #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> ...
[13 replies] Last: You have extra pair of curly braces that adds the fourth dimension. T... (by keskiverto)
Problem with passing parameters.
Hey guys, my next task is to split up the main function into separate functions; it compiles but when I play the hangman game, it doesn't replace the dash with ...
[3 replies] Last: Zhuge, you sir are awesome. Thank you very much! I'm not to familiar w... (by Sausage)
by iluv41
Problem counting characters
I'm trying to find the number of link, tags, comments, and characters in an HTML file, I get the correct number of links, tags, and comments when i runthis prog...
[1 reply] : When line 42 evaluates to true, you get more input (line 45/46) withou... (by cire)
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