Beginners - February 2014 (Page 24)

structure loops
I run this program, as I'm trying to learn structures better, and it doesn't work. There are no error messages. Rather, it goes through the steps of asking for ...
[2 replies] Last: it did, thank you (by josepho16)
C++ Input Output Library
I have come to a question in C++ Primer (p 314 , exercise 8.1) that is not clear to me. "Write a function that takes and returns an istream&. The function shou...
[4 replies] Last: LJBorges - thank you for this solution code (by closed account ypfz3TCk)
strstr Rückgabe ohne 2. String
Hallo. ich habe einen Eingabestring, in denen sich mehrere Zahlen ( mit Whitespace getrennt) befinden. Nun möchte ich eine Zahl einlesen, und danach soll e...
[2 replies] Last: perfekt, danke! (by entchen)
Calculator Help
So I'm trying to code a compounded interest calculated and I'm having trouble with the power function. It doesn't yield the correct results, I have no idea why....
[1 reply] : Looks fine to me. Maybe you can try double instead of float. But that ... (by plexus)
while and For loops with semicolon
Hi All, There is this function to accept input from the keyboard char*getstring(char*mesg) { char s ,i *destin; cout<<mesg<<endl; cin.get(s,...
[1 reply] : Get one character from cin and store it in s . Repeat this until get(... (by keskiverto)
Creating Simple Classes (C++)
Hello experts! :) Our teacher told us to make something like: ---------------------------->Arrow Release ------------> Ranged --> ------------------------...
[3 replies] Last: depends on what you should use it for. if you want on function that ev... (by sumsar)
Display from highest to lowest using arrays
I need help of how do you output the highest to lowest(not highest and lowest) using arrays from user input. I have no idea but to use for loops and if statemen...
[3 replies] Last: (by keskiverto)
%% in while?
Hello guys, im pretty new to c++ and i just discoverd the syntax, but i have a problem(sorry for my english).When i put %% in while like this: } while ((...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! Made a giant mistake :D (by FilipPav)
outputting from a queue
I can access the values directly, but am having trouble accessing the data via the queue, just for a simple output, what do you guys reckon? #include <i...
[no replies]
by stanz
I need your help guys
How to construct this for C++? Please help me.
[2 replies] Last: A switch case could work. Here's an example http://cppgo.wordpress.... (by lorilew)
Two Dimensional Array
Write your question here. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int matrix , row, col, maxrows = 2, maxcols = 3; // get values for the m...
[2 replies] Last: its a long read but i can follow it in some time thanks (by TheSajidAli)
C++ Datei einlesen Abbruchbedingen über 2 Zeilen
Hallo. Ich habe folgendes Problem... und zwar Lese ich eine Datei(.unv) Zeile für Zeile ein. Ich lese z.B. aus dem Block 15 die Messwerte ein und möchte...
[10 replies] Last: und bestimmte werte aus dem array direkt an bestimmte Typen übergebe... (by coder777)
Return Value 0
Is it possible to remove the message that says 'Process exited with a return value 0' after the program ends?
[4 replies] Last: Oh. (by Victini13542)
by andrix
template class specialization
hi, i would like to write a basic general class (using template) and an other class that specialize the previous (add specific methods and use a particular t...
[1 reply] : Friendship, maybe. ... (by iQChange)
by kuop
help with repeating a do while loop
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { int n1; int groupsize; int total = 0; int total1 = 0; char userInput; ...
[4 replies] Last: You have a couple of problems. After the while (n>0), you do int curr... (by closed account iAk3T05o)
increment the data stored in an array
I have to increment the data stored in an array. like int a; a++; unsigned int arra_11 = {0}; How is it possible?
[5 replies] Last: Good old for each for ( unsigned int & x : arra_11 ) ++x; std::vala... (by keskiverto)
Non-type template arguments? Advantages? Bottom of the page. I can see the advantage with the first type of template...reduced code...but I can't q...
[3 replies] Last: Here are a couple more: #include <iostream> template < typename T, ... (by JLBorges)
how to find maximum in only coloums in 2d array.?????
[6 replies] Last: The only way for him to know ahead of time is if it is a constant stat... (by giblit)
Find order in array
Thanks giblit, I found that by initializing whenOccurs to -1, adding the break and moving return whenOccurs out one bracket, it works.
[1 reply] : There are a few problems. First you will reassign the value if you fin... (by giblit)
Linked List: Insertion, Deletion..
Hi, what's wrong with my code? Why it isn't running? #include "stdafx.h" #include < iostream > #include < conio.h > #include < stdlib.h > using names...
[10 replies] Last: Just wrote a big write up here but then realized something that is pro... (by randisking)
February 2014 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 60
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