Beginners - February 2014 (Page 22)

Code problem
Hi, I'm new to c++. I'm trying to build a program that calculate and do operations on some numbers. The problem I'm facing is that I want the use to decide ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi @oRiinzu As @keskiverto said you could use the while loop or any o... (by Jecs9)
help me out
i am a beginner. my code block was working properly but after doing something i didn't saw the manager occupied the whole lot. and the space for writing is not ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello @dpk2778 If you mean the software CodeBlocks and the problem yo... (by Jecs9)
by Alby94
Lambda functions
Error: candidates expects 2 arguments, 1 provided; The first argument is saved or not? Need something not declare an argument? auto sum= (int, int b) ->...
[1 reply] : first argument needs to be passed though it will be unused in the lamb... (by codewalker)
Fixed Linked List
Hello there, I'm to trying to build a fixed linked list and I encountered a problem, My linked list only outputs the first element I entered Something like: ...
[4 replies] Last: while(temp2->next!=0) { temp2=temp2->next; } temp2->next=te... (by sanasuke15)
Question on java
/*DListNode1*/ /* */ public class DListNode1 { public Object item; // public short colorVal; public DListNode1 prev; public DL...
[2 replies] Last: l.head.item, lets look at the classes of that construct: Dlist1.DListN... (by ValliusDax)
loop wont work , college albegra help ASAP
when i put the end of file statement it keeps repeating the same input over and over as an infinite loop , why wont it read the rest of my data data file : ...
[1 reply] : Hard to say since you've provided none of the relevant code. Please... (by cire)
same random number, how do I make them different?
My random seed keeps giving me the same value for both random numbers. How can I change my code so the random values aren't always equal to each other? When I h...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the help. It seems that my error was that I was using sr... (by LDgaming)
read from data file , need help ASAP
i have this program but it will only read the first two values twice of my data file and the second value it reads as the first variable C , how do i fix this ...
[1 reply] : if ( X = alphabet ) That condition has an assignment (=). You pro... (by keskiverto)
Net profit 10% at the end of the year.
Linda is starting a new cosmetic and clothing business and would like to make a net profit of approximately 10% after paying all the expenses which include merc...
[2 replies] Last: What are you specifically having trouble with? (by heyyouyesyouiloveyou)
Doomsday algorithm
hey everyone, could you guys help me write out a particular code that involves the doomsday algorithm? I started trying but i have no clue what to do after the ...
[1 reply] : Some minor edits: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main... (by Smac89)
Encrypting problem
In the third function of my program, I am to reverse each word of the sentence so IF BUILDERS BUILT BUILDINGS THE WAY PROGRAMMERS BUILT PROGRAMS THEN THE FIRST...
[3 replies] Last: The reason you're getting a lot of junk is (partly) because you don't ... (by long double main)
Creating a table?
Hello, everyone! This is my first post, and I really thank anyone in advance that can help me. I'm obviously a beginner, and am trying to figure out why the ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you! You saved my butt! (by ess0616)
by kiino
Employee Class Problem #2
Hey guys, so I'm trying to input 3 different data for a class array. However I keep getting these errors... error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before i...
[10 replies] Last: I read both chapters that talk about classes in my book so I redid my ... (by kiino)
Breaking out of a loop
So I'm learning about arrays and I'm having trouble breaking out of a loop that adds user input directly into the array without adding the last value to the sum...
[2 replies] Last: oh wow I feel really dumb now, that was such an easy solution. Thank y... (by jbj6686)
Function for moving string in an array
[3 replies] Last: -- (by fapyfapy)
C++ String first letter to upercase
Hello How to make the first latter in an array of strings to uppercase?? string example = "hello", "nice", "noooo", "fun", "lol"; for(int o = 0; o < 5...
[1 reply] : Use std::toupper() from the cctype library. http://www.cplusplus.... (by Catfish666)
trouble with for and stacks
Having a bit of trouble with my for loop putting the information in the stacks. One stack is for characters the other is for integers. Here is my code: ...
[6 replies] Last: Sorry I'm at work and it just got a little busy. I still don't have ac... (by unsensible)
Please help with my c++ project?
I'm supposed to be writing a program that computes the volume of water in a water tower given the height. This is the water tower we're supposed to be calculat...
[3 replies] Last: Indentation really helps see the problem: #include <iostream> #inc... (by Disch)
by Bubz21
Binary file Help Please!
Hey there, I'm working on a program but I cannot seem to figure out why the build is not building. There are no errors within the code itself, however there are...
[5 replies] Last: No worries... that's an easy one to miss. Good luck with the rest of ... (by ValliusDax)
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