by zedidiah
anyone know about neural networks?
[no replies]
by mindheavy
My function is always returning 1 (true) instead of variable
[12 replies] Last: was it because my array "coinArray" was in main and my onHand() funct... (by shacktar)
by cspctec
Program only reading in the first number in file
[1 reply] : This isn't just a place for you to get help but for others to read and... (by SamuelAdams)
by humnbrd
Writing to an outfile
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the info but this is a little too advanced, lol...if you kn... (by humnbrd)
by chazzerg
Any alternative for goto function?
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for all the advices, they are golden for me, I'll certainly fo... (by TheIdeasMan)
Using system() to open a *.mp3 file |
[2 replies] Last: I am still having the same problem D: It doesn't seem to have any effe... (by Fatal Exception)
by jason9559
custom new/delete for memoryHeap(Unresolved external error)
[6 replies] Last: Fixed it. (by jason9559)
by Josh Henry
setting a overload function for average?
[10 replies] Last: ok sweet appreciate the quick response and help! (by Josh Henry)
Write c++ statement using visual studio 2010 |
[1 reply] : Ok, yes, I've done that. What next. (by Chervil)
by Merriak
Need help, String Class
[5 replies] Last: Yeah I did that ne! Thanks! Found I was missing several const. (by Merriak)
by MrGuy
need help on what library to choose
[no replies]
by cPlusN00b
Warning: Identifier was truncated to 255 characters
[2 replies] Last: Ah so That's where it was crashing. Thanks Cubbi! :3 I feel a lot bett... (by cPlusN00b)
Invalid comparison between pointer and integer |
[1 reply] : ... (by ne555)
by JordanGaspar
Copyright nas bibliotecas padrão C++. [Translation: On the copyright of the libraries in C + +]
[no replies]
by f1stimer
help with Dev c++ software
[8 replies] Last: Thank you I will try this and let you know the out come (by f1stimer)
Generate Random Non-Repeating Numbers |
[2 replies] Last: Oh my goodness, thank you SO much! That is a much more simple solution... (by tattooedhippie)
by gladi
Please Find the Error.
[4 replies] Last: Next time do your homework yourself. first: Thank you for your time... (by gladi)
by DANNY123
Fibonacci sequence
[3 replies] Last: In this case, you've put i as a formal parameter, but you haven't dele... (by Stewbond)
by orly24
rat race
[3 replies] Last: Okay I actually thought it was a goto with xy as label. Thanks for im... (by mausy131)
by toseefasim
4 errors, please indicate errors.
[5 replies] Last: You're welcome (: (by mausy131)