by Bolong Yu
do while loop
[2 replies] Last: First, a couple of points ... if (a, b, c, d = 0) The above code... (by jim80y)
by hvigil
String Problem
[3 replies] Last: how do I fix it, if I put it in the for loop it will print "wrong" man... (by hvigil)
by Blue Shell
Unsolved External
[1 reply] : Is this source file included in your project or just open in the edito... (by cire)
by Willmannn
How to change fonts in C++?
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, I am new. I have actually Moved on to API. ME and friends are ... (by Willmannn)
by daytrader
If comparison is not working properly
[4 replies] Last: txtPassword and setPassword are pointers to System::String objects. Y... (by jim80y)
by aedwards12
[1 reply] : I think you have a problem with your loop, it's hard to tell because o... (by randisking)
by Austin J
What is "void" good for?
[7 replies] Last: Thank you so much guys, that clears up a lot. (by Austin J)
by nikkigox
find a word in a string array sentence
[8 replies] Last: Also keep in mind that if a word starts the very first word of the sen... (by randisking)
by SeanKD
Handling user input of a type double variable
[2 replies] Last: There's no main() function because this function is meant to be called... (by SeanKD)
by ckw77
Craps Game Help
[6 replies] Last: i tried your code. if you add these lines: return 0; } you can w... (by karakale)
by Dannie
Need Help Converting Pseudocode to C++ to find Branch-and-Bound for the Early/Tardy Problem with a Common Due-Date
[1 reply] : Write a node class. There are some functions in pseudocode. Define the... (by karakale)
by Pieface
[7 replies] Last: erm.. yea that was pretty stupid of me.. get back to you in 5 haha, ... (by Pieface)
by ggplz
[homework] Craps simulation
[7 replies] Last: I'm going to move this to the thread you've created, so as to not hija... (by MrHutch)
by champishere
Software or tool to run and compile a C++ Code
[2 replies] Last: Dev C++ (by SamuelAdams)
by Skraiten
Class Declarations with JPEG
[4 replies] Last: CImg can be downloaded from here. ((I have had it for some time but ... (by guestgulkan)
by mhaggard
[homework] Reading in numbers and integers
[4 replies] Last: well I think you can pass an additional argument to getline: (this is ... (by cPlusN00b)
by delmi
Initializing a variable in the function argument is giving me an error
[4 replies] Last: You're welcome! If you're still following this.. I wonder if you shoul... (by cPlusN00b)
Comparing ints & using sstream with get functions |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, The second issue is resolved. I changed it to this now: ... (by Nouri Alnahawi)
by herold
Confusion in find function of algorithm
[5 replies] Last: The predicate is a function object that you, the programmer, are suppl... (by Cubbi)
by sniperfz
Finding longest palindrome
[16 replies] Last: You can simply substitute the sizeof( array ) with the length of the... (by Lynx876)