by W300mphblues
Loop keeps returning original input?
[4 replies] Last: [quote=Daleth]Since you're dealing with prices and percentages, use fl... (by LB)
by darin18
How to exit an iteration (for loop)
[7 replies] Last: @Lynx876 You're completely missing the point. It doesn't make anything... (by LB)
by Rocket Power
Need a screenshot of a basic program...
[8 replies] Last: [quote=Rocket Power]What command do you have to type in the command pr... (by MrHutch)
Press up arrow? |
[19 replies] Last: Just use something simple like SFML. It is quite easy to draw text, it... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
by Ch1156
Where do you put typedef?
[2 replies] Last: A typedef has whatever scope you define it to have. If you create a... (by AbstractionAnon)
by cupertinoFan
Fibonacci Program
[3 replies] Last: That's true, a loop will suffice. I think because it is often used to ... (by Oria)
by SB Onyx
Problem with getting an average from a function
[4 replies] Last: Makes sense, won't make that mistake in the future. Thank you for the ... (by SB Onyx)
by simpleasy
Combine SDL with console or windows buttons
[1 reply] : From my experience, SDL does not play nice with widgetry libs because ... (by Disch)
by benfield
taking 1 interger away and then checking if divisle by certain numbers
[3 replies] Last: What would be the correct answer for 1100 then? removing the final di... (by simpleasy)
Constructor |
[9 replies] Last: As I don't really know what the class is supposed to to, all I can do ... (by maeriden)
by ane
convert integer to string, nothing work
[6 replies] Last: thanks, work!!!!!!!!!!! (by ane)
by rcast
Bitwise and Shift for compression
[9 replies] Last: I understand too little on this subject. I'll find it out in my readin... (by rcast)
by jamesfalter
issues with scope, among other things
[14 replies] Last: and, error free! thanks, internet! (by jamesfalter)
by Aerion4
read data into an array
[5 replies] Last: Stewbond, I appreciate your willingness to help, but im required to us... (by Aerion4)
Wont Compile |
[5 replies] Last: Can someone help with my move function? Before this line ("Enter p (pr... (by closed account z8q4izwU)
by mirec
Comment me
[8 replies] Last: hey James I tryed your for loop but it didn t exactly worked because ... (by mirec)
by b1b2b3b4
search case printing out unwanted things.
[1 reply] : Use a debugger and watch the values of the locals (the variables in th... (by snow 56767)
by abba901
Need help on decrypting/not sure how to start.
[3 replies] Last: What if the file to be read is not there? You need to be able to catch... (by Lynx876)
need help to show most repeated character
[5 replies] Last: i ran my program on visual studio, it worked normally without any err... (by SeanKD)
by Peter7
Create a matrix struct
[2 replies] Last: Play is a pointer, notice the typedef. There is no compile problem. (by Peter7)